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Memorama 13

Level 11

Level 11
Memorama 13, Apr 5, 2018
delator77 and Black1226 like this.
    • Rating:
      What a blast, @Mekorama 13 ! Four stars for design, gameplay, (outstanding!) and one more for the novel concept. I've never seen a similar level.

      Thanks for sharing, and great job! Even though you have put in the 4Kids category, I know many experienced players would enjoy playing this fun level.
    • Memorama 13
    • Rating:
      Sorry but although this level is 4 kids I think that it is too random:oops:!! Thanks for sharing @Memorama 13 ;)
    • delator77
      @Black1226 Believe me my friend,there are several levels like this but as a Meko-addicted I think,in my humble opinion, that when the gameplay of the level ONLY is based in random steps is not totally fun:rolleyes:
    • Black1226

      I'm sure you're right about there being many levels based on the same concept. Shoulda reined in my enthusiasm before making such an all-encompassing statement regarding its novelty.

      Hey Delator - to state the undeniable, repetitive, random moves are required to win this level. I'm not sure whether you played to the end, or won, but I found that the trick to solving this thing is to bring B into a legless, floating state, so he can intentionally land on the win. Conceptually, though, my lack of experience comes shining through once again! From my point of view, this is a new concept, and I thought it might be fun for others. As you know, simple is my cup of tea, and yours is complex and tricky! I suppose I could have looked around for similar levels before making such a unilateral statement, but it never crossed my mind. So I rated it based on my own experience when playing the level.

      I think though, in the category Kid Stuff, this is perfect. The random moves and repetitive taps required are just what kids (at least the ones I know) enjoy. Myself? I dunno, I just had a good time!

      Check your conversations when you have a minute, okay?
    • Rating:
      Lianne Malone
      For me, this levels design promised a little more than it delivered. I was able to solve in just a few seconds. So me of your other levels are much more challenging and fun.
    • EL797
      Funny though the gameplay is too short :rolleyes:
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  • Category:
    Kid Stuff
    Uploaded By:
    Memorama 13
    Apr 5, 2018
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