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Leave the Castle

Help your robot to leave the castle, if you can...

Leave the Castle
Mark69, Jul 4, 2016
Kim Budi likes this.
    • richardfu
      I like the look of it, but I can't step onto the gate...
    • Mark69
    • Rating:
      Got it, really tricky one
    • Mark69
      From a real master designer as you are, it's a compliment indeed. :)
    • nGord
      Mark69 likes this.
    • nGord
      I should add: there is beauty to your levels. This one also shows a lot of thought and effort. Visually stunning as well as crafty! Thank you!
      Mark69 likes this.
    • chemi
      Really nice design. Still trying to get out to the bridge... :confused:
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Mark69
      @nGord Really a big compliment, I appreciate it very much! Thanks!
      nGord likes this.
    • Mark69
      @chemi Don't give up, there's a way to pass that bridge, don't overlook a single inch of the scenery, neither where you think there's absolute nothing... ;)
    • Rating:
      I had to update my previous rating (and not because of your nice acknowledgement of the already well deserved compliment I sent your way). Reason for this I've hidden in the spoiler.
      The reason I only gave you four stars originally (with the message of "finally") was because it turns out that I completed the level using an unintended trick. I just now found your intended solution, which is ever so sweet.
      Mark69 likes this.
    • Mark69
      @nGord Thanks again! :) So there's an unintended trick... I'm starting for research it... ;)
      nGord likes this.
    • nGord
      @Mark69 Let me know if you'd like a hint. :p
    • nGord
      @Mark69 Here is the hint (although I'm finding it awfully inconsistent / unreliable):
      The shortcut I found had to do with the bridge release mechanism.
      After trying in vain effort to use the motor somehow, I found a way with the pointy end of the bridge release mechanism. Again, I have to stress that it's very hard to repeat the process of having B fall down.
      So what I think is happening is being able to disturb B by poking him with the rail part of the bridge release mechanism until he achieves a hover state.

      Sometimes just holding the rail pointy end against him causes him to spin in a leaned over position such that when you pull away, he seems to get pulled off the ledge. This is rare and I can't repeat the process on demand.

      Other times, after sufficient poking either by repetition or just holding the rail end against him, B lifts one of his legs and then simply drops down when you release the bridge release mechanism.

      It's a shame that we can't really call this an exploit, IMHO, as it is so inconsistent. Although, from what I have been reading elsewhere on this site, the hover exploit is hard to re-create no matter the fashion.
    • Mark69
      Imagining that point was the unique one where it could be possible avoiding the original solution, I tried hard to bypass it, without success. And this make me at my eyes much more intriguing the intended solution... :D
    • nGord
      @meko @chemi Don't give up guys! Lâchez pas! Nevzdávejte! Or pick your language of choice...

      Mark69 already gave out one hint on the first page of comments. Here it is again:
      Scour the scenery. In Mark69's words: "don't overlook a single inch of the scenery, neither where you think there's absolute nothing."

      Frankly, I think that hint is huge, but if you want another hint:
      The definition of scenery is "view, natural features, landscape." In other words, look outside of the castle.

      If you absolutely can't help yourself, this spoiler will make you think, but will likely also completely give it away:
      So you have to get to the island and it seems that the only way to get there is via the bridge except for a small problem of an electric bot. You're right! Now. How would you get rid of the electric bot?
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