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L is Lambat.

mastersifu, Oct 8, 2021
delator77 and MekaSage like this.
    • mastersifu
      Low ceiling
    • Rating:
      These push push type levels are always easy to get lost in. Didn’t see the reliable way to get the high ball for a while so my first win was with unreliable high ball push and without using the low ball. Then found the reliable way to push the high ball by which time i had forgotten the finishing sequence of moves! Took a few minutes to remember. A good challenge.
    • mastersifu
      @ridgerunner The paths are mostly already set up for L to move around so there's not much for B to do. Glad to hear that you are able to capture all the stars and had two different gameplays! Thanks for playing, commenting and rating.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Wow - too many moving parts for me. I don't know if I'm coming or going... I may try again later.

      EDIT - I just used Mekostudio and I didn't even see that hidden part before - now I know why the other mechanism was so hard to push - not impressed :(
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - Maybe I'm on a bad day but I can't do much and that's after one hour of play. I can get one star - against my DNA but that is it. I can get B over to the other side to push the other mechanism and but I see no reason for it yet. I can get B on L or come around but all that serves no purpose.

      I can't see how to get any of the other stars so I'll need some hints not a movie as I'd like to figure it out. Maybe a hint or two to get started right will help as maybe my start is completely wrong.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! very clever level...really enjoyed figuring it out... this time my gameplay was the right except...
      I catched the first star in the beginning,with P onto B (this move is not considered as a trick:sneaky:...after this my gameplay was the same
      thanks for sharing & for the fun ;)
    • mastersifu
      @delator77 I suppose the first star you collected is the fence star that you let P stand on B and they walk together? Thanks for playing, commenting and rating. Very happy to see you enjoyed it and I did provide a challenge for you.
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy Based on your comments, I think that the star you can get is the one in delator77's spoiler. So basically in this level, B doesn't need to do much things - just some herding, ball pushing and riding PillarL. The routes for L are already set up if the mechanism and balls are in the right place before B mounts P.
      Send B across to the other side while P to the side where B initially was. P will need to drop onto B's head as B pushes the mech in and walk around the house. Why? This will help B to go to the other side - there's only one way for B to go across the house(A bit hidden though). From there, B can mount P for the star on the ball.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - I revisited this level first thing this am and still nothing. Thanks for the hint but I got that, I believe. Will revisit again, reading word for word...
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - I wasn't doing this...
      From there, B can mount P for the star on the ball.
      Now - I'll see if I can continue...
    • mastersifu
      @Meko Guy
      This is how B mount P for the star above ball. [​IMG]
    • Meko Guy
      @mastersifu - I didn't look at the video - as I'm on my way... Getting that star helped a lot - like I said - getting going on the RIGHT track goes a long way. If the game play is wrong, you will fail. The restarts are still adding up....
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Extremely hard level - the opening provided too many options, it's like having 4 bots to deal with and the possible combinations overwhelm you. In this case, all the options blinded me to see the intended. I'm glad it's done -- I didn't even look at the video - the restarts were too many to be enjoyable for me. For example. I didn't drop the fence ball and needed another restart and that is pretty close to the end. One advantage to all the options here is I could see potential moves that you didn't implement so I can use in one of my levels.
    • Rating:
      Fun level!
      I found a short autopilot and a momentum trick to knock down the upper ball. See the video between 39 and 55 seconds:
    • mastersifu
      @MekaSage Thanks for playing, commenting and rating! Nice shortcut there, the lower ball and the mech were not used. I often won't consider momentum tricks when I was testing a level so it's hard for me to spot them so thanks for the video.
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