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L-R and b

L-R and b
M32, May 23, 2024
EL797 and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      When I opened the card I thought it would be an excessively easy level until I realized that B couldn't reach the win block... then the level became more fun and challenging... but I couldn't find a way where B survived... thanks for sharing @M32 :)
    • Rating:
      I went for the B survives win as it was more satisfying.
    • delator77
      @ridgerunner what? how? :confused: I thought about going with L & R to the final area so one bot takes the star & the other the win but since one of the bots necessarily has to turn to get the star next to the zapper I thought it was impossible because before the turn the other bot would have already reached the win... what am I missing?:rolleyes:
    • ridgerunner
      i used the two eyed rotatable to drop L onto B then walked the stack round to the star. L captures star then the winblock. Not pretty but no dead bots.
    • M32
      i lose even on my own level:rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      Nice one. I got B zapped but passed with L catching the winblock :D:rotf:.
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