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L - 3

L - 3
Yusuf, Mar 31, 2023
Sammy 5, delator77 and Pedro Andrade like this.
    • Yusuf
      I reposted and this is without tricks.
    • Rating:
      I didn’t see the first version so don’t know if there were any comments. It was quite complex and my gameplay was similar but i didn’t need any balls in the trench below the motor. Could not prevent L pushing one but i didn’t use it. In the video a ball falls at 1:50, i had a bot on it.
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Excellent :cool::thumbsup:
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very nice logic level although also logic, my way was a bit different...
      the ball that acts like a bridge & then you pushed, I used it only like a bridge then my B pushed in tbe other direction... then to do that step you can only push B with the slider/zapper :sneaky:
      thanks for sharing @Yusuf ;)
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      The first section was super confusing to me as to which ball went where so needed a peek at the vs. After completing that section many times I figured out like @ridgerunner the bridge ball and the one to access it were not needed for the slider mechanism. Totally enjoyed the different pathways and the interesting way to herd Lefty in the second half! Well done and thank you:thumbsup::p
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