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Kastel II

Good luck

Kastel II
kyu, Mar 13, 2021
    • Meko Guy
      @kyu - Is there anything hidden this time?
    • kyu
    • Meko Guy
      @kyu - There's more that so I'll pass.
    • kyu
      Tell me so something go wrong :D
    • kyu
      ok but i think you not like it, same style like you don't like
    • Rating:
      Oh, that's really great! I had a little trouble rotating the pieces, but it was worth the effort. Unique and fun!
      kyu likes this.
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      It seems you had great idea but couldn't executed well.

      1. Most of the rotors remained unused.
      2. Ball of Fenced-tower sometimes passes Rails and falls on white floor. And sometimes gets stucked on down Stair.
      3. On sending R to Stair bridge side, R sometimes stucked on Rails and sometimes fell down in auto Slider.
      I guess i did it with wrong intensity.
      Wanted a video solution for it.
      kyu likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great level...the use of the bots,the rotating pieces,the design...the only "issue" was that...
      the last R push must be very,very,very shoft,subtle
      Thanks for sharing @kyu ;)
      kyu likes this.
    • Sammy 5
      Couldn't get it figured out... got the bot to drop the ball in the second tower and move the staircase halfway but can't figure out how to continue.
      A video solution would be a lovely help:p
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    Mar 13, 2021
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