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Kampong 2

Kampong 2
Rizal, Mar 15, 2020
BangTe and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Really very FUN cooperation level...& the design is nice...Thanka for sharing @Rizal ;)
    • Rating:
      Superb level but I didn’t realise at first how vital it was for the correct bot to push one ball.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Enjoyable level! Having to push a ball while standing on stairs is a bit annoying though.
    • Neophyte
      Could someone please tell me whether this level involves any 'tricks' which might not work in v1.3.1?
      I have dropped 4 balls (one of which enabled a mechanism) and am now stuck. P is endlessly rotating under a building, and B and R are confined to one half of the puzzle with no apparent means of reaching the second half.
      I have tried to persuade B onto P's head, ToA and stair tricks, all to no avail. I've also spotted a budgeable, but there's no obvious way to budge it - its only access point I can see is in a recess (I tried Hercules, but B wouldn't enter the recess - he ended up rotating very slowly without any enthusiasm). And even if I could budge it, I *think* it would result only in P crossing the river, then needing another bot's help to break him out of an endless walk.
      I don't like tricks, partly because I'm not good at executing them (and I don't like asking for help either), but I wonder if there's something more fundamental here which I'm missing.
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