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Jump Over a Bug

Jump Over a Bug
zolv, Aug 27, 2016
    • Scare Crow
      @Sunny Sunset it can be solved using the autopilot concept explained by @trids in his tutorials
      nGord and Gepeto like this.
    • nGord
      @Sunny Sunset at least nearly three months ago you learned on Retrograde's Monorail Escape 2 that B can climb onto a block that is moved to a spot tapped on before B reaches it. I would suggest not being so crass by awarding a 1-star and demanding deletion of a level that you can't solve. It is why we spent so much time deliberating what should deserve a 1-star in this forum. "I couldn't figure out how to solve it" was clearly not a popular option.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @nGord Show me how this one is possible, and I'll remove my rating.
      I never did get monorail escape to work...But I also never rated it either
    • nGord
      @Sunny Sunset:

      To solve this puzzle: 1. tap the grass spot beside the draggable, 2. before B gets to this spot, slide the draggable over the tapped spot, 3. B will climb onto the draggable from where you can tap him to the win.

      You rated Monorail Escape 2 on page 3 of the comments section on 6 June 2016 with five stars: link.
    • Rating:
      Sunny Sunset
      Tricky little BUGger...thanks to nGord, it's solvable.
    • Sunny Sunset
      Ah, you're right… I did rate that one. I didn't think I had, because I couldn't get it to work with the ball precision ... But that at least shows that I will give a five star rating for something, even if I can't complete it myself. As long as I can see that it is solvable.

      But his uses the squeeze jump, (something is there to provide leverage) not this new tap and jump...
    • Rating:
      Once i slide the draggable block, i never remove it from being pressed. It somehow absorbs the bot making its way possible up the platform.
    • nGord
      Just an FYI, @zolv also did up a proper forum post regarding his new found observation (here).
      zolv likes this.
    • nGord
      As a bit of a repetition, here is what is going on:

      What Zolv found here is something many have already discovered, made levels about, and even made tutorials on (as Scare Crow mentioned above).

      Essentially what is going on is that after a reachable spot by B is tapped, B will be assigned a path to get to that spot and will then endeavour to reach it despite if the path changes. You could say that B completes his path on autopilot. There are actually many variants of exploiting the path completion (autopilot) algorithm.

      In this case a single-block-height draggable is inserted into B's path. If the draggable was free or otherwise unobstructed, B would attempt to push it out of the way. Since the draggable in this case is attached to a slider, B cannot push it and thus must climb it. If the spot tapped was further away, B would continue in the direction of the tapped spot in accordance with the path assigned to him (his autopilot route). In this particular case the spot tapped is directly beneath the draggable and thus B will stop atop it.

      @Propesyonal In this level you don't need to hold onto the draggable after pulling it over as it is attached to a slider.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @nGord Thank you for the article and the explanation. I knew that b bot did weird things, and went in strange directions when you tapped somewhere way ahead, but I never expected it to actually be useful. LOL Thanks
    • Rating:
      About as minimal as you can get, quite easy using autopilot.
    • Astral_Mage
      This exploit is explained in detail by @trids in his tutorial no.1
      I recommend everyone who want to advance their skills in this game to complete the tutorial :3
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