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Jaws of Death

Bob gets just one chance to nail the start, so if he survives the Jaws of Death he might have a shot at some stars. NO TRICKS.

Jaws of Death
IceBlade, May 9, 2022
Playtime, Sammy 5 and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Fearsome jaws. Liked finding the clean capture of the lowest ball on the fixed draggable. Could not see any purpose in having the two fixed draggables though.
    • IceBlade
      Hey @ridgerunner thanks for playing and for the feedback. The unmovable draggables were subterfuge. There's three that move, obviously, but they stood out, so some distraction was asthetically required. Thanks for the rating.
    • BLR
      Great design! I like seeing B (Bob) running fast for avoiding the jaws. Thanks for making this level @IceBlade
      IceBlade likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I really liked the original idea of the mechanism and the clearly calculated time for the labyrinth! Cool my friend. I love creative ideas. Your sticks with nails remind me of the medieval Inquisition.
      I also really liked the logic of collecting stars. 5 from me!:thumbsup:;)
    • IceBlade
      @Denis Nazin and @BLR thanks for the comments and great rating @Denis Nazin. So great to receive appreciation from you clever designers. Glad you liked it.
    • Rating:
      Liked the beginning, the logic gameplay & the design... thanks for sharing & for the fun @IceBlade ;)
    • IceBlade
      @delator77 thanks brother. Appreciate the PRC and encouragement.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Awesome fun figuring this one out and how to avoid having B get eaten by those seriously scary jaws! The highest ball was a tricky one:p Totally rocked! :thumbsup:
    • IceBlade
      Thanks @Sammy 5 I'm so glad you liked it. It's a funny level, dropping like it does with B having to do a runner. Thanks for playing and for the great rating.
      Sammy 5 likes this.
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    May 9, 2022
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