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Isolated House

According to the myth, anyone who enters the house gets fooled and tricked by its puzzling design. You may experience deja vu or be trapped inside forever. Once you get in, you can't get out! But a legend says there's a hidden path to escape the isolation. Only one way out. Dare to enter the house?

Isolated House
Jorz, Aug 17, 2018
MomoKeego and delator77 like this.
    • gmacpro
      Not a fan of hidden passages and I don't mean the water but passages that you can't see. Levels can be hard enough without any hidden.
    • Sculron
      I agree with @gmacpro
      It started out nice as I could view ahead to where B can go after I drop a ball, but then I thought I would be going to the finish, but I was wrong. And I didn't see any way to the finish :unsure:
    • gmacpro
      @Sculron -
      Did you see the slider just above the win to the left of the ball? It was hidden well but I couldn't see what to do with it?
      Jorz likes this.
    • Rating:
      Pushing the four balls was pretty straightforward but it took me more time to figure out how B could reach the win. I did not use any hidden elements, so B's final step may not be the designed solution.
    • Jorz
      Thanks for the feedback guys! I included some clues.

      Clue 1: The hidden slider is placed next to a ball. Zoom it. gmacpro got it. Clue 2: Hidden slider allows B to be dropped from above.
    • Rating:
      Uuhhm,this level was a long time in my "unfinished levels"folder waiting for inspiration....And today the inspiration has not come yet jajaja ... And I've completed it just by using a ball and a trick ...I saw the hidden draggable but didn't know its purpose...a pity...Thanks for sharing @Jorz ;)
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    JORZ Levels
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    Aug 17, 2018
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