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Island drag

Drag lslands and get move!

Island drag
billionYoshi, Jan 26, 2022
Helena and delator77 like this.
    • billionYoshi
      This map is super easy so you should pass it by yourself.
      The three new works of my island drag series: lsland drag E, lsland drag mayhem and island drag line are being released, please support me by then
    • Rating:
      Hi & welcome!! uuhhmmm,interesting & promising first level... I had fun dragging islabds...I add a star to motivate you cause is your first effort... thanks for sharing @billionYoshi ;)
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      Welcome to the forum. I gave your level a go and it felt linear (only one way for B to go) even though the level had a 3D affect. I did like, aside from the last star, they were along the route and not off on their own. Thanks for the fun.
    • Rating:
      Thanks for this card. First I hesitated to play, since I have not played for some years now, but the spoiler got me and B going.
    • Rating:
      I enjoyed the interaction between the fixed and moving sections. I agree with @Meko Guy , it would be better if there was more to think about to work out the correct route and as there is only one route, only the last star is needed. But it's a great first level so 4 stars, plus a bonus star for your first, :thumbsup::D.
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    Jan 26, 2022
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