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I.D. linely

This game seems to be a straight line on the path, but you can see quite a few branches where you can just skip to solve the level faster, or enter it to collect simple stars. Collecting stars may seem like a no-brainer, but that's not necessarily the case for tomorrow's level

I.D. linely
billionYoshi, Jan 29, 2022
Sammy 5, delator77 and Link like this.
    • billionYoshi
      NOTE: This will be the last orthodox sequel to the I.D. series.
      Maybe you are tired of the linearity of the I.D. series or the simplicity of the collection before the screen, so tomorrow's fifth installment will not disappoint you. This work is the first derivative work in the series, and it is of great significance. So it's going to be more difficult and confusing, there are so many branches in this game! You can take shortcuts, find different ways to pass or even skip them! Sometimes you also hit a dead end. Don't forget which way you're going next as you try to collect stars. Otherwise you will lose your way and start all over again. This work combines horizontal and three-dimensional, becoming more novel and 3D. I believe this will be the best mekorama puzzle level in the world
    • Rating:
      A pretty easy and straightforward level once you get easy control of the big draggable slider. I recommend do NOT put a win block if stars are present as the player does not need to collect all the stars to win. Without it, the player needs to get all stars to win. A level is still possible without a win block, you just need to collect star(s).
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      As I told you yesterday via a conversation, replace the win block with a star otherwise the stars don't need to be collected. The two stars off on their own, even though I collected them, they felt like a last minute add in to make the level longer. They didn't provide any more of a challenge.

      This next point wasn't considered in my rating but here's something to think about on future levels.
      I also suggest to not place lifts on the white space as B can slip off one lift and get on another to shortcut your route. See a slip off that could easily happen.
    • cimarronline
      Using a win block or not is completely up to the level author. Most all the levels included with the game use win blocks and stars. You don't need to "force" players to collect all the stars. Most players want to collect them.
    • Rating:
      Good level to end the serie... thanks for sharing @billionYoshi ;)
      btw,I'm intrigued about the level you will post tomorrow...:sneaky:
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Great geometric classic matching puzzle! You're new to the forum, I haven't played your levels yet and haven't left any feedback. On this - welcome to the forum! Great start on the forum. This is a very good classic puzzle game. Thank you.;):thumbsup:
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    Jan 29, 2022
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