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Howl's M. Castle (aka Howl's Moving Castle 2.0)

Can anyone solve this?

Howl's M. Castle (aka Howl's Moving Castle 2.0)
popjam, May 27, 2016
MomoKeego likes this.
    • Bullwyf
      Very near to finish...But can't get the end :(
    • popjam
      What part did you get up to?
    • Bullwyf
      I arrive near the end but can't get to the end
    • popjam
      You've only done half the level then :) I'll give you a clue: you need to stand on the bot to raise yourself up to the end
    • Bullwyf
      I finished But using a bug i think: the red robot near the end get near the flag after my moves and it get the green light of success o_O
    • popjam
      I think that's a bug... So far no one has completed this level yet!
    • Sunny Sunset
      @popjam have YOU completed it yet?
      If you feel that there is a bug in this one, i.e. The flag turns green but you don't get the checkmark, then you might want to report it to Bugs Section.
    • Bullwyf
      I did it, But with a bug
      I have the checkmark
    • Sunny Sunset
      Then that doesn't sound like a bug… It sounds like something else won the game for you instead. So that's actually an error in design, not a bug.

      If the goal turned green and no checkmark occurred, then yes, that would be a bug ...but if it did turn green because something else touched it, that's not a bug it's just a design flaw that the creator can fix. :)
    • popjam
      I've beaten the level the proper way, so it is possible :) but when I was testing it once it randomly ended and said I beat it so I know there's a way to cheat but don't know how.. I'm going to remake it anyway because I found out you need to give the bots eyes for them to move properly, that's why this level looks like such a mess
    • Sunny Sunset
      Really? So the eyes have it? er...have to be on it? That's good to know!
      popjam likes this.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @popjam Where did you hear about the bots needing eyes?

      I asked Martinabout it... Response was: @Martin Magni B works without an eye, or with an alternative head, as long as it doesn't weigh too much.
    • Rating:
      I like it just fine & won with some bot on bot action, no error, no bug. It is a bit of a mess, a lot of deadends, but didn't see a flaw, either. Fun exploring & solving.:D
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