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Meko Guy

Help L Bot Win

A few tricks will be required along with some ball logic. This is a rework of a level a week ago where many shortcuts were found

Help L Bot Win
Meko Guy, Jun 17, 2021
MekaSage and Labyrenight like this.
    • Meko Guy
      Thanks to @mastersifu and @Pratik Bhalerao who both found multiple shortcuts in the previous version. I've added L so the balls must be dropped in order to win - game play is similar.

      - auto pilots
      - low ceiling
      - maybe a cancel tap
    • Rating:
      Fun level to explore with interesting low ceiling.
    • Rating:
      I made a mistake on the last ball.
      Awesome autopilot and great low ceiling.
    • Rating:
      I can notice there are a lot of things that you change. Still like the low ceiling move and the last autopilot got me as the stairs are hard to see if B can walk onto. The ball logic together with the tricks used, it makes the level amazing. Thanks for sharing @Meko Guy
    • MekaSage
      This is a pretty cool level, but I kept having intermittent problems with the low ceilings. A few times with the low ceiling under the auto-slider B wouldn't run back to the start point. Then once with the upper level low ceiling B somehow jumped to the zapper instead of returning to the upper platform.

      Other than that, I like how B sneaks around the first column, and also the use of the ball under the gravity gun.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Lots of fun and exploring different AP paths in this level. Really enjoyed the energy it had and the slide right in the middle! At one point I even managed to have B slide down it but I'm not sure how! Needed the vs for ball order so thank you for including it:D
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Jun 17, 2021
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