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Denis Nazin

Hammer nails

No TRICKS! Just for fun, and little logic.

Hammer nails
Denis Nazin, Jul 2, 2023
EL797, Kojim, Chris Hester and 7 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      Just for fun:rotf:;), and little logic.
      Time - 3:29
      It seems to me that at this level you will have enough to knock on naughty nails with a hammer:rotf::rotf::rotf:. Just like in life, you need to use force:sneaky:! But be careful - nails and a hammering board can break! On this well calculate your strength of blows.
      good luck friends
    • Rating:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Inspired concept and design.
      I knew I had to get R on B's head but couldn't work it out, so watched video. I should have realised the solution from your strategically placed star. In an early attempt I knocked B off the platform on to white space to attempt the lower stars but completely missed seeing the hammer driven risers. Nice sneaky touch
      Thank you for sharing Maestro.

      Вдохновляющая концепция и дизайн. Я знал, что должен получить Р на голове Би, но не мог этого сделать, поэтому посмотрел видео. Я должен был понять решение от вашей стратегически расположенной звезды. В ранней попытке я сбил B с платформы на пустое место, чтобы попытаться пройти нижние звезды, но совершенно не увидел стояков, приводимых в движение молотком. Приятное прикосновение. Спасибо, что поделились Маэстро.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Oh Thank you, thank you VERY MUCH my friend:D:D:D!! Yes, yes, you are right - nothing is visibleo_O in the holes for the lower stars. I thought that the players would guess that the only thing that can change in this situation is hammers:sneaky:. Sorry for the inconvenience - it's really hard to see and needs to be guessed.
      Thank you, I'm very happy that you found time for my levels!!!:D:D:D;):thumbsup:
      MekoMole likes this.
    • Rating:
      Jajaja,this level has made me feel the power to deliver justice, like a judge... спасибо мой друг @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I feel like Thor now! :D R took the last star, just as a little extra challenge. :)
    • Rating:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Nice idea;). As everyone pointed out, it seems like delivering justice, or reminds of me of Thor, and hammer and nails:D. This is done very well. But I was clueless how to capture the below two stars. I saw video solution.:oops: I kept brightness low, that I didn't see the hammer effect on B on the white floor. Cool gameplay. Thanks for sharing:thumbsup:.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Nathan Sabari
      Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU VERY MUCH my friend! I'm happy that you liked idea :D;):thumbsup:
      Yes, I already doubt it, probably I added two lower stars in vain. They were not in the first version. I decided that it would be good for B to fall down for a reason, so that there was still work for B below. Unfortunately, I could not open the structure for greater visibility - because this is the risk of instability of the mechanism. I should have just skipped the bottom two stars. I am very glad that you did not give up and completed the level - thank you!!!;)
    • Rating:
      Just like real life, the nails are awkward to hammer down. Like the action and the logic.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Yes Yes Yes. I also thought that it is very good when the nails are hammered in with great effort (this is a side effect of the design in mekorama). But this disadvantage has turned into a plus - because it is very reminiscent of reality. Therefore, I was happy that matched at this level - mechanism resistance further enhances the simulation of reality.
      Thank you, thank you very much my friend;):D
    • Chris Hester
      I missed this one but saw the video on YouTube. Wow! What an incredible design!! I will play it later!
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Totally different style of level from your usual graceful, elegant and finesse! I think I bent a couple of the nails once and also sent Poor B flying:eek:... bit of a mystery on the two lowest stars but got it solved. This one was definitely a good stress release level:D thank you very much:thumbsup:
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