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Denis Nazin

Halloween House

NO TRICKS! R level. Need: R freeze

Halloween House
Denis Nazin, Nov 1, 2023
Ray Aznable and XiaoFeixia like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      My own music for Halloween
      I hope you will enjoy:D;)
      NO TRICKS! R level. Need: R freeze
      Win block is not for R! The ball must win! Toss the ball with R on the slider elevator to win
      I've been thinking about how to make a house in the "Halloween" style for several years now. Finally I came up with an idea.
      I really wanted to post this level yesterday but didn't have time. A very complex design, it took me a long time to make. And the complex mechanism of the Torch, because of which I had to sacrifice the B-bot. I hope you will enjoy.

      "R is enchanted, he knocked on the door but couldn't get into the house. He needs to solve the mystery of the haunted swamp, then he can get into the house. BEWARE OF GHOSTS!
      Meanwhile, two witches on brooms want to steal away two naughty ghosts.
      In the house, you will also need to unravel the mystery of the upper floor - and break the spell of the house. Good luck friends!"
    • Rating:
      Looks great especially the leaning towers. Liked the Halloween music video.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Chris Hester
      Amazing design and cool music too! :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      What a beautiful design! And so theme appropriate. I totally missed the two rotating stars, so replayed the level. One ghost is thinner because otherwise R would not make one step. :D
    • Block builder
      Like the music too! You're one of those multi-talents.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Wow! Thank you! Thank you VERY much!:thumbsup: I'm very glad that you liked both the level and the music:D. Thank you my talented meko friend!

      P.S. Yes, you are absolutely right, one of the three ghosts is thinner - because B did not have time to make the last turn to the finish line. As planned, all three ghosts were supposed to be the same thickness. In fact, I spent a very long time calculating the length and bends of the paths, the length of the movement of the ghosts, their initial location, their thickness. And I tested and corrected all this together many times. Therefore, I am very glad that you noticed my great work in adjusting this level. Thanks again!!!:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Wow!! excellent level of Halloween with a design worthy of a Tim Burton movie... those two folded houses are brutal!! The song you made is very suitable for the theme too... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
      btw,when I saw the image of your song, the cover of an album by one of my favorite heavy metal bands, King Diamond, suddenly came to mind... the album is titled "Them"...
      And to finish and as it fits with the Halloween theme, I leave you the link to a King Diamond song... he sang it in Philadelphia in the year 2016 or 17... King Diamond is a 67 year old man so he was around 60 at this concert... his vocal range spans 5 octaves... it's amazing... let's see if you like it!
    • Rating:
      It's incredible that you could design such a complex, grand, and beautiful level, it's amazing! :thumbsup::thumbsup: It looks like a very large and eerie castle. Just now, through a rough translation, I saw that you said this is the theme of Halloween. I really envy you for being able to celebrate so many interesting Western festivals. I have very few people here who celebrate such festivals, so I don't know enough about them. :( Also, after opening your level, the music is also special. The music in peacetime games is different, and I don't know how you made it. Although I am not quite sure how to pass such super large and complex levels yet, it may take a long time to study and understand, but it must also be given 5 stars! :D Because your levels are always so outstanding, you are like a very talented designer! :thumbsup: Unfortunately, I am in China and cannot see the exciting videos you have posted. :cry: Once I have enough time, I will definitely study and understand your incredible level and the wonderful story behind it. :p
    • Rating:
      Restarted once as I thought the ball was going to roll towards the win after pushing. I wasn't paying attention and thought ok, I had won until I figured the ball had lost! Turned out R wanted to play with the ball a little. Great design and I liked the storyline as well as the music.
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH my friend!!! :D:D:thumbsup:
      I am very glad that you liked both the level and my music.
      About your favorite band:
      yes, when I was a teenager I REALLY loved this kind of music. Now I listen to calmer music. But, I listened to the clip you sent - it’s very professional and cool. I really love guitar solos!!! I admire the very wide range of this singer's voice. Thank you;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @XiaoFeixia My friend, I am very VERY grateful to you for your comment and many nice words.:D Thank you very much.:thumbsup:
      But, as far as I understand, you were unable to pass this level - according to this (according to the forum rules) you cannot give a rating. Despite the fact that I am very pleased that you highly value my work, please still adhere to the forum rules.
      I sent you the video by email. It was very difficult.:confused: I had to compress it twice and split it into two parts to make the video smaller so the video can be attached to the email.
      Now you will be able to watch the video and fully understand the correct gameplay of this level. Thank you;)
    • Denis Nazin
      I am very happy that all players not only like the level but also like my music too! I am very grateful to you for your feedback about both the level and the music! Thank you thank you thank you!!!:D
      Yes, I decided to make a little “cheating” “joke” :sneaky::rotf:at the end. It seems that the bot should win and go for the ball. But we need to do the opposite. Sorry for the restart. I'm glad you figured it out and liked it. Thank you very VERY much!!;):thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Ray Aznable
      scary fact,
      halloween is the day to celebrate
      worshipping archons.
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    Denis Nazin
    Nov 1, 2023
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