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Nathan Sabari

Go ball

A no trick level(except a low ceiling effect)

Go ball
Nathan Sabari, Aug 1, 2023
    • Nathan Sabari
      I have deleted my first post, and I optimised the QR code now. It'll look better now. Thanks @Pratik Bhalerao for helping.

      This level needs timing at times and little bit of experimentation:thumbsup:
    • ridgerunner
      I think this level is not playing properly on my device. It looks as if the gameplay is for the high star budgeable to fall inwards towards the fence. The budgeable falls outwards every time for me. Is this a problem or do i have the wrong gameplay?
    • Nathan Sabari
      @ridgerunner I think that's device issue:unsure:. Will upload video solution now
    • Rating:
      I made a one block alteration in mekostudio to make the level playable on my ipad and there was only one surprise. The last star. I think i moved things to quickly first time and had the star squirting out sideways onto the white . It was fun and the moves never felt too repetitive.
    • Nathan Sabari
      @ridgerunner I didn't know we can alter blocks:eek:, thank you very much ridgy for patience and thanks for playing:thumbsup:.
      Waiting for other players' comments to know whether its going intended:)
    • Chris Hester
      @Nathan Sabari any level can be opened up in mekostudio to see how it works, though I don't think you can make levels with L in them.
    • Rating:
      Wow!! great level my friend, I enjoy a lot the whole gameplay & fortunately did not have device issues... very remarkable the "trip" of the ball.... thanks for sharing @Nathan Sabari ;)
    • Rating:
      Awesome level very clever ballplay Bit tricky with only one shot or restart but not so hard that it got tedious. Fun
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      This is definitely one of the most interesting levels in recent times:sneaky:. I love when one ball is used several times. At your level, it's done admirably:thumbsup::thumbsup:. This is one of the best single ball levels!
      The only thing I don't really like is the hidden last staro_O. I had to think hard and experiment and reboot several times to understand:confused::rotf:.
      Very cool level - of course 5:thumbsup:! Well done!;)
    • Nathan Sabari
      @delator77 @Tui Thanks for playing friends;).
      @Denis Nazin Thanks for your review Denis:thumbsup:. The hidden star atlast is less hidden before going upwards. If you see side of the level, I have given window, where the hidden star can be seen before going up. But, players wouldn't notice instantly. Sorry for that:oops:
    • Rating:
      Exactly what @Denis Nazin said. Many restarts, but worth it! :D
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      LOTS of trial and error on my part and 10 minutes into playing I thought I'll never be able to figure this out with all the different mechanisms and sliders! But the level was so intriguing and inviting I kept at it and achieved success! Tons of fun even after restarting probably 30 times, as I kept learning which made it very satisfying:p. Loved the stars that shifted position and finding the path to catch them . I got a bit stuck at the end thinking the arrow on the bottom indicated B should be waiting there, ( and there happened to be a very convenient way down;)) but then managed to glance a peek at that stars final resting spot:D. Totally awesome and fabulous level and love this kind of stuff!:rolleyes: Thank you very much:thumbsup:
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    Nathan Sabari
    Aug 1, 2023
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