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Denis Nazin

Ghost stairs

No TRICKS! Used Ghost metal (Phantom elements)

Ghost stairs
Denis Nazin, Jun 23, 2023
Sammy 5, MekaSage and delator77 like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      Used Ghost metal
      (Phantom elements)

      Time 2:46
      Looks big but the level is not difficult,
      good luck friends!

      I really love the ghost metal effect in mekorama. I haven't made a level with this effect for a long time, so here's a new level. Those who like this effect - here is a link to my other levels with this effect:

    • Rating:
      Block builder
      You must be a ghost yourself, because you can't possibly get any sleep making so many levels. And you manage to keep the quality up. This was a fun level. Liked the surprise of the ghost stairs, and the purely esthetic elements. :rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Oh, Thank you, thank you SO MUCH my friend great master! I'm really happy that you liked!:D;):thumbsup:
    • Chris Hester
      Wow, those rising stairs are incredible! :thumbsup: :cool: I played it but couldn't get anywhere so I had to watch the video! :eek:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Chris Hester Thank you for trying it:thumbsup:, and more thanks for playing at my level;). I'm glad you liked the ghost stairs:D
    • Rating:
      As usual... symmetry & a very fun gameplay... спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you very VERY much my friend. Спасибо!!:thumbsup:;)
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Very cool design :thumbsup:
      Loved the ghost stairs;). And I liked step by step figuring out gameplay.:)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Nathan Sabari Oh, Thank you SO MUCH! :thumbsup:;) I'm really happy that you liked :D
    • Rating:
      I liked the way the ghost metal interacted with each other. Simple fun gameplay.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Thank you SO MUCH my friend!;):D:thumbsup:
      @ridgerunner@Block builder @Chris Hester @delator77 @nathan SabariI'm really glad that you liked the interaction of the ghost stairs with each other, because it was very, VERY, VERY difficult to make it stable. I came up with this idea over a year ago, I wanted to make more elements. But I realized that more than three elements cannot be done well. But even with three elements, I suffered a lot, it was very unstable and hard to handle. That's why I dropped this idea. Only now, after many, many reworks, I did it stably and smoothly. It was very difficult. Thank you for highlighting this mechanism in your comments.

      By the way, thank you very much for your comment about the aesthetics and simplicity of the design - I also spend a lot of time on this. Making complex gameplay with sketchy and chaotic-looking blocks is much easier than making a correct and beautiful design out of it later:confused:;). Thanks a lot!!!
      alarcon likes this.
    • Rating:
      @Denis Nazin Yes, I agree with you, making good gameplay without destroying the design aesthetic is very difficult, but you can do it well :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      The Ghost stairs were a great feature on their own, but then the game play was also well thought out and enjoyable. Another great level from an indisputable Meko-Master.
    • Denis Nazin
      @alarcon Thank you, thank you very much my friend!!!:thumbsup: I am very glad that you understand me:D!!! Yes, you are also a builder and therefore you understand me very well!
      By the way, you have been making very beautiful and aesthetic and geometrically correct designs lately! I love:thumbsup::D. And you weave complex and interesting gameplay into these designs. From this I conclude that you also do and rebuild your levels for a very long time to make it interesting and beautiful. That's why I understand you too! Thank you;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @ArGee Oh, Thank you, thank you , THANK YOU SO MUCH my friend! I'm really happy that you liked :D:D:D
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    Jun 23, 2023
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