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Game Jam Remake

A remake of story level 61, need one low ceiling.

Game Jam Remake
Yusuf, Aug 6, 2023
delator77 likes this.
    • Yusuf
    • Rating:
      Very enjoyable remake... thank you for sharing @Yusuf ;)
      Yusuf likes this.
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      Denis Nazin
      I don't really like remakes, but I really like the designs of the windmills in mekorama:D.
      The logic of this level - excellent:thumbsup:, I really liked it. I liked everything except one - at the very end, the protruding blocks on the top of the mill, in my opinion, this is an extra test and spoils the design. The first time I went through the whole level and at the very end my L bot caught on this ledge and fell,:unsure: you need to start leading the bot to victory first:(. This is very disappointing. In my opinion, this protrusion is redundant. Everything else I really liked.;)

      By the way, I avoided the trap for the L bot otherwise. I used autopilot and B's raised eye to steer L towards the slider. Your way without the trick is better, but I didn't notice it.
      Yusuf likes this.
    • Yusuf
    • Rating:
      Maybe it's me or my device, but I found this too difficult. I got the stars, but had to struggle to see. Though it was good enuff that I didn't give up! :D
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