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Denis Nazin

Friendly help

The help and support of our friends is VERY important in life! And at this level you will not be able to win if your friends - R and R do not help you. Good luck friends! NO TRICKS - ONLY LOGIC!

Friendly help
Denis Nazin, May 21, 2021
Playtime, MomoKeego, Helena and 6 others like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No tricks - just logic! But you have to think!)
      IMPORTANT!!!! When you move the slider, as long as you hold it and do not release it, the robot standing on it DOES NOT MOVE !!! This is important information that can be useful at this level !!! Newbies may not know this. Good luck friends!
    • Denis Nazin
      Walkthrough -
    • Rating:
      Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      Really like the way of finish the level where you need stacking P and B on top of another P.
      Though there is instability where P hits the sand ground spot and getting back to movement spot inside. Somehow I could manage it well.
      That instability cost -1 star because not all players can manage this one. But I will add a star for pleasantly and symmetric design. It is really OCD friendly. Good job there :thumbsup:

      Edit — I said -1 is not to affecting my way of rating, it's just my way of expressing. But maybe, some players will facing that situation and found it annoying. Really sorry for that.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus Thank you very much! I am very pleased) I sometimes really like mini levels (compact), but with interesting logic. I tried to make this level. Glad you liked it! (of course added a little beauty))))
      But, sorry, I didn't understand - where is the instability ?? If possible (if it's not difficult for you), send a spoiler - a photo or video. If photos and videos are difficult to send, please try explaining again! It is very important for me! I will work on it. If this is really a problem.
      Thank you again!
    • Denis Nazin
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus Or you can indicate at what second of my video playthrough of the game it will run into! (Walkthrough of the game in the spoiler) I'm talking about instability. Where is it ??? I did not understand you)))) But this is very important to me. Excuse for troubling!
    • Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      @Denis Nazin — Not a huge problem of the level. I will send you a video that I mentioned of instability via PM. But you need to be patience as I have some things to do. Will send to you as soon as possible ;)

      And also, I haven't watched your video yet. I'll figured it out soon. And again, this is not a huge problem :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Azka Fauzan Firdaus Of course, of course !!!))) I have to work myself!)) I understand everything!;):thumbsup:
    • BlueDragon
      I think I know what @Azka Fauzan Firdaus means. When R runs out onto the sand block, it begins to tip over. Actually, he shouldn't run out of there either, but if you aren't careful, then he'll do it and then there is no way back for R. :)
    • Azka Fauzan Firdaus
      I was about to say that after I remedy my gameplay. Thanks @BlueDragon for clearing that out :thumbsup:
      But still, there is some instability that I have to share in a video. Still uploading ;)
    • Rating:
      Pratik Bhalerao
      That was extremely amazing!

      While rotating I thought I would lose the bots, but they didn't gone. Super stability maintained.

      Impressive level of yours so far!
    • Denis Nazin
      @Pratik Bhalerao I am very, very pleased to receive such a review from you! You are building awesome logic levels! And your feedback is very important to me. THANK YOU!!
      I want to recommend to everyone your level - "Inter Locked"! It has no tricks, but VERY good logic!
    • Pratik Bhalerao
    • Denis Nazin
      @BlueDragon Thank you friend . I understand what you are talking about !!) This is by design! It should be so!) And for R to turn, you need ...
      turn the revolving elevator towards R by the side where there is a triangular block or passage. And it will stand on top of the head of the second R.
      This is the logic behind this piece of the path.
      But I think that's not what he was talking about !?))
    • Azka Fauzan Firdaus
    • Rating:
      Mr Lemon
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    Denis Nazin
    May 21, 2021
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