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I am a pro

founded way

You can be trolled

founded way
I am a pro, Apr 4, 2018
MomoKeego likes this.
    • nGord
      Hmm, I don't know how to rate this level. It's not really a level with any sort of gameplay. I noticed the description and can say unequivocally that no, most of us cannot be trolled so easily. Clearly there were no exploits in the level, so I moved the card from the Playable Bug/Exploit Levels category into the Kid Stuff category. An even better place for such a level - if playing a joke was the only intent - would be to post it in the Epic, Funny, Troll, Fails - Levels not quite fit for publishing thread.

      Also, in the future, please post your cards viewed in portrait mode (vertical on the screen). Better yet would be to use the export/share function seen by the three dots connected by two lines icon in the bottom right of your screenshot.
    • Rating:
      Not sure what all that stuff was on the other side of the win (from B's starting position - maybe a red herring)? The route was very clear and filling in the gaps wasn't hard so thanks for that.
    • I am a pro
      @nGord a troll way on the motor or rotor cube
    • nGord
      gmacpro likes this.
    • Rating:
      I won in 3 moves.
      [I hope you hang in there and design more levels, incorporating more gameplay and using more of the level design pieces at your disposal. If you want help in learning to design excellent levels, have a look at the Game Behavior Forum. Lots of info there. And you can study and play levels by notable players! .
      This is only your third level, your skills will greatly improve if you work at it. Three solid stars for a third level!

      I don't know what the other stuff is either, @gmacpro.

      Thanks for sharing, @I am a pro!
      nGord likes this.
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  • Category:
    Kid Stuff
    Uploaded By:
    I am a pro
    Apr 4, 2018
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