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Even more

A small change in wiring ... not the same level

Even more
Valentin, May 30, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • Valentin
      A priori, the series ends here …

      Choose wisely
    • Rating:
      About an hour and a half ago I completed the level and I was going to rate it when I realized that you had deleted that version and had uploaded another one that at first glance seemed the same as the previous one... but for my (pleasant) surprise, the previous gameplay was not valid in this second version so I had to think again to be able to complete it... therefore I had double fun but I am curious what the reason for this change was :rolleyes:... anyway I love this pendulum logic levels so hopefully this level will not the last :sneaky:... thanks @Valentin ;) very nice job!
    • Valentin
      @delator77 You deserve an explanation. But first of all, thank you for your enthusiasm : it is highly appreciated :)))
      You will be the only person who played the first uploaded version of this level ! Even I didn’t play it :confused:.
      Now the reason : after I finished building the level (this actual version), I used Mekostudio to rotate it from 180 degrees, to have a better thumbnail on the card. BUT I realised one hour after my post here that this operation implied that both levers of the 2 latches started to move the wrong way ?!?!
      I could have found the new solution and edit it in the comment. BUT I preferred to add the same system as previously (« cf. More Difficult »), with balls falling at start, to be sure of the initial configuration, assuming that some difference exist between app-versions and devices…
      You know everything ;)

      For now, I will stop the ball-ordering series as I have other plans (and have no more inspiration for this kind of design). I hope that some people will have ideas using the latch/pendulum !
      In case not, I have at least one project with this mech, but without balls to order. Or maybe ideas will come back :D ?
      See you !
      Thanks !
    • Rating:
      Soohaeib Afeef Hosen
      I used the same method as previous and done in first try :D.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Thank you my friend for another interesting logical level:thumbsup:. In my opinion, this is an even more complex level in terms of calculations:confused::D.
      But there are two ways to solve this level.
      Just push all the balls one by one, the ones with stars at the end. After this, do not pull out R bots, but concentrate all R bots on the slider and release them one by one in the right directions. In my opinion this is an easier way to win. But it also requires certain calculations (but not with balls, but with bots).
      Thank you my friend ;):thumbsup:
      Valentin likes this.
    • Valentin
      @Soohaeib Afeef Impressive. The pre-calculation of what happens on the red brick is to be honoured !
      Thanks :)
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin Thank you !
      I tried. But : o_O
      Impossible for me. Or very difficult. I couldn’t do that (the stars go to position 1.2,3,4 and 10 : how can you reach position 2 and 3?)
      But I’m sure you found a way:thumbsup:
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    May 30, 2024
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