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It's been a little while since I've made a level, so I made this thing that doesn't require any tricks!

Makl, Jun 30, 2022
Sammy 5, Ray Aznable and Blue Tower like this.
    • Makl
    • Rating:
      To be honest I don't think this level is a full 5 star level maybe a 4.5 but since it's been a while since you last built so I'll round it off to a 5 star. My gameplay was similar with one difference. Fun simple teamwork level.
      I had B on Pillar R to walk all around along the staircase alley for the second ball and I was surprised that B didn't fall off even though Pillar R was leaning forwards while walking. Very stable for me.
      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      angga alarcon
      Welcome back
      Clever ball logic game and beautiful design
      Very fun to exploring the map
      Ideal for lengthy and difficulty
      I liked the multi use spinner and big slider there
      Deserve 6 stars logic level
      Thanks for sharing ;)
      Makl likes this.
    • BLR
      I'm sorry @Makl but i found a shortcut just using the spinner
      ride P, make B fall from P in spinner area and toss B to the win...
    • angga alarcon
      @BLR is that a random ways?
      I play again and found shortcut too, win with just 1 ball and Its very stable shortcut
      after push the second ball (actually Its useless in my shortcut),then autopilot B from P's head to the lower grey block and then win
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      i learn
      to control myself
      not to wrecklessly use trick through this lv.
      especially through switching position
      using rotater.
      and, cool design, looks like space craft.

      thanks 4 sharing
    • BLR
      @mr. alarcon :rolleyes: (you know lah)
    • BLR
    • Ray Aznable
      belajar sabar @BLR :)
      BLR likes this.
    • Ray Aznable
      i want to report u a shortcut
      and tell a suggestion.
    • Makl
      @ohmytian I'm feeling quite "rusty" with my designs lately. Lots of half made levels in my mekorama folder. I'm hoping to get my creativity back soon!!!

      @BLR that is a wild shortcut! This is why I don't like using motors very often. Everyone finds special ways to use them that I never plan, because of so many possibilities with movement

      @Ray Aznable I will say in my description when there are tricks or not, and I try to make them trick proof... So many clever players here, though! It can be tricky.

      @mr. alarcon thank you kindly

      Truly thank you everyone for such descriptive feedback and playing my level!
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - I gave this level a go and I was stuck at the metal stairs leading to the 2nd ball drop. R went long legs and turned (repeated indefinitely) so B couldn't drop the ball. We discussed this before and sometimes metal stairs need to be at the same level for P to walk onto.
    • Rating:
      Oh yeah just remember i don't give this level rate yet. Beautiful design with nice gameplay. Although many shortcut found but still deserve 5! Thanks for sharing @Makl :thumbsup:
    • Ray Aznable
      i know you didnt put hint of trick,
      bcz this level is meant to be pure logic.
      i solved it intendedly as designed.
      but i told u about the autopilot shortcut,
      because i want to help you,
      so people who play your level,
      really using all the features
      that you have built with many effort & thinking.

      if you can see there in video i sent,
      there are two balls, and many routes,
      that are left not being used,
      because of that shortcut.
      in other word,
      your effort to make those unused routes,
      become wasted.

      hope you understand what i meant.
      dont want to make you look bad,
      by sharing that shortcut.
      but i want to help protect your efforts.
      so, in your next level,
      you will re-think any possible of shortcut.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I revisited his level and although P did repeat the LL behaviour, P did eventually go so the ball could be dropped. Good level - thanks for sharing
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