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This level is a tribute to classic Doom. I've been trying to recreate some situations like the start room, explosive barrels, imp behind the windows, switches that open other doors, visible keys behind the bars and of course some secrets to find out...

stefanovime, Jul 1, 2017
    • stefanovime
      This level is a tribute to classic Doom. I've been trying to recreate some situations like the start room, explosive barrels, imp behind the windows, switches that open other doors, visible keys behind the bars and of course some secrets to find out.
      I know some of you hate the secrets, so as a clue I put boxes with the grass near a secret.
      If you can not solve it, I will put the photos with the spoiler solution.
      hadi likes this.
    • Firmansyah Amir
      @stefanovime nothing wrong with hidden level.. As long as the hidden "thing" is not almost impossible to find out.
      (Sorry for my bad English) :v
    • Rating:
      Wow! Awesome tribute to the game. Was struck in the beginning of the level for a while there. Lots of hidden draggable. Even the ball was not visible even after opening all the gates. Few times the zapper R upon unleashing caused chaos by surrounding the whole playable level, leaving me no choice but to restart the level. Still a nice tribute level to the classic. ;)
    • stefanovime
      @Firmansyah Amir The clue is the grass boxes. Like in the Doom videogame clue=secret.
      For those who can not solve I have immediately put the spoilers.
      I understand that here on mekorama forums do not like the secrets. I will avoid them for the next levels.
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    Kid Stuff
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