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Sunny Sunset

Doctor Who is no fool!

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" The Daleks chant... Now you see him, now you don't… But you can sure hear him as he leaves In his TARDIS (because he can't remember to take the parking brake off) Whoosh! Whoosh!

Doctor Who is no fool!
Sunny Sunset, Jun 18, 2016
    • Sunny Sunset
      Insptred by " Slider Ball" by @bagaynana

      The sound in his level reminded me of the whoosing of the TARDIS. I also didn't expect the bot to disappear as well… But it worked out perfectly.

      Yes, it plays itself… Boring!
    • bagaynana
      @Sunny Sunset lol, weird, only 1 second i'm finished (...) looks like i've not done anything (complicated) ~apparently floooown~
    • Sunny Sunset
      Hey, the doctor has to move fast around those nasties!...
      You really didn't expect him to stick around very long, did you?
      Look how close they were to the flag!
      He just couldn't wait for you to open the level and help him…
      You took too long to open the level....
    • Rating:
      Junk level: not playable, elements that fall over and crash, lots of design flaws/errors, bugs. Delete and notify uploader to refine level.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @richardfu it's pointing out a bug....that makes the bot and blocks disappear, and makes a sound even though all have vanished.

      Your "copy and paste" comment doesn't even relate to this level.

      Not playable… Then why does it have a checkmark?
      Elements of that fall over and crash… Nothing fell over, nothing crashed, they just simply vanished AS INTENDED
      "Lots" of design flaws/errors ... LOTS? Really? This is a minimalistic level!

      Level is already "refined "exactly as I want it… You see the bot and the blocks on the card, they disappear and make a sound when you open the level...AS PLANNED.

      I even mention in my very first comment that it plays itself...and is BORING. And I also mentioned that it was inspired by another level, that uses the same bug… I used it differently and caused the bot to disappear...

      As usual @richardfu , when communicating with me, you cannot see any further than the nose on your face, and are unable to see the big picture, nor does it appear that you are able to comprehend the intent that was implied by the use of the bug.

      And even more obviously… You're not a Doctor Who fan, And probably have no idea what any of the comments on this page even mean, or even the title, which is why you don't understand the point of the level.

      Thank you, however for rating it… It definitely deserves one star… And was posted for the fun of the bug
      very stupid
    • Sunny Sunset
      And your constructive criticism is what, exactly?

      As discussed with you before, insults are not constructive, And neither is going through someones album ...yet again, and rating everything one star...yet again...simply out of revenge and vindictiveness...yet again.

      It does not appear that you wish to remain a member here, since you seem incapable of conducting yourself in a mature manner. I will happily oblige by removing you from the membership if you wish to continue this blatantly antisocial behavior.
    • Sunny Sunset
      That is not a very constructive comment, and, in fact, it is nothing more than continuing your insult.

      "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

      If you wish to remain a member here, please learn how to behave politely in public.
      meko likes this.
      not playable, elements that fall over and crash, lots of design flaws/errors, bugs. Delete and notify uploader to refine level.
    • Sunny Sunset
      Read my post above in its entirety, re:
      Your "copy and paste" comment doesn't even relate to this level....where I've already explained why.

      Try again…in your own words, without being insulting again.

      You are merely rating this out of spite, revenge and vindictiveness because I didn't like one of yours (that you deleted because you can't handle having a one star rating). And you can't even give correct constructive criticism him based on the level itself, you have to copy it from someone else who also didn't pay any attention to the intent of the level.
      @Sunny Sunset "You have to admit that if the level can be completed in 1 second is worthy of 1 star" and this applies to this level
    • Sunny Sunset
      @KPACABA I certainly don't dispute a one star rating for this (or for any of my levels). What I do dispute is when you're being insulting about it, or refusing to give a legitimate constructive reason for a 1, 2 or 3 star rating. Kapish?
    • Rating:
      1 star. reason: the level can be completed in 1 second, 1 attempts
    • bagaynana
      @Sunny Sunset @KPACABA how i hate it to read it, weird, KPACABA did right it, lol, like richardfu means too, nvm. this card what you built, you can yourself save it privatly and don't sponsore here like it, or wanna a war? i don't like you both of war in comments (bad english, hmph)
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    Sunny Sunset
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    Sunny Sunset
    Jun 18, 2016
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    zappers bug example selfplaying developer automatic dr who