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L went and got himself wedged in one of the structures. B will need to figure out how to free him, and ultimately escape from Creekside. Tricks are used.

Makl, Mar 13, 2022
Sammy 5, delator77 and angga alarcon like this.
    • Makl
      Side Step Stair
      Cancel Tap

    • Rating:
      That was fun. I had two main parts of my gameplay that were different . I missed the main autopilot, i think because when i tried it the ball wasn’t present at the correct height. I also had a different way of getting B into the building behind the cylinder draggable.
      instead of the fancy autopilot to get to free L , i used a soft SSS to get the extra height distance to land on the draggable. I stacked B on L so the stack would walk across the water and when approaching the cylinder draggable performed a miss autopilot so that i could then squeeze B out behind L.
    • Makl
      @ridgerunner oh my goodness, that path was something I had thought of yesterday and meant to make it to close off alternative paths to the building behind the cylinder draggable, but then totally forgot to make the modification when I made the video this morning.

      As for the first thing, that's just an astounding display of SSS skills. Very impressive.

      Thanks for playing. I don't think it'll happen, but I'm really wanting to stump you one of these days.
    • Rating:
      Great design & very fun tricky gameplay... thanks for sharing @Makl ;)
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
    • Rating:
      I had an even fancier autopilot to free L and spotted a shortcut using the draggable pillar. Very fun tricky level and I liked the moves around the first tower.
      I didn't push the lower ball on the rail first. Instead, B performed the autopilot and landed on the ball, rides the ball to the resting spot.

      The shortcut didn't need the final two ball. B autopilot and misses the draggable pillar but this time B lands on the left side of the draggable. Then push with a correct amount of force, B will be able to land onto the win section. I got it the first time.
      Makl likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      The first part was hard - I had to resort to the video for the move at 1:13. B dropped that ball but didn't hold it. B could get the high ball but then was stuck. I wasn't seeing the purpose for the mechanism below the high ball. After skipping the high ball with B and following your intended way, my B rode the ball but again was stuck. After THREE ball rides, I resorted to the video again and seen the safer way - of course, the restarts were starting to turn me off. The rest was much easier and upon watching the video, I got L up to the high ball much faster. B also did a SBS to redirect L into the house for the two balls instead of going all the way around.
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      I think that frustration arises from the strange mechanic where B can fall from any height directly down and land on a ball, only for that ball to not move at all, even with angular momentum.
      I've tried quite a few different things, but couldn't get a ball that I could push and ride with only a single tap. Plus, that takes away from the fun.

      Also, like, whenever B ride a ball and the ball rolls down a ramp, it's super unlikely for B to want to stay on the ball, and he usually just flops onto the ramp the ball went down. If one ramp doesn't knock him off, then two will.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - I assume you meant your last comment for me? My B was able to ride the ball to the resting spot but either I didn't tap fast enough or B was too low to leave the ball. In other words, B can pass over the ball but not stop or start on it.
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @Meko Guy forgot the tag! Whoops.

      Hehehe! There are lots of options there and only one thing really works. Thanks for playing and rating
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      So many great APs in that tower and really liked how stable it was for B to jump on the ball:thumbsup: I also tried B rolling on the ball then found the correct way. I was able to get my B to follow P on the double facing stairs so not as much finicky work around the house. Absolutely awesome level that was pure fun to figure out :D
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