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Crash Test

Simple but funny :)

Crash Test
Checco, Oct 24, 2016
chemi and Khudrat like this.
    • Checco
      Hello to everyone, is mi first public level be gentle :p
      Have Fun
    • Rating:
      Welcome to the forums! It's great that you figured out how to change the page title, level title, etc. by yourself, but it would be better if you had a more personal or descriptive album name. "My levels" can be anyone's levels, and a lot of people have the same album name, so it's pretty generic.

      The level was fun for a first level! Much better than my first one. My only complaint is that the first motor is pretty glitchy, probably because it scrapes against the pillar at the side (although using a pillar instead of a metal block probably reduced the friction by a lot, it would be best if you blanked it or something). The rest of the level was pretty stable, though. I also liked the rails and bricks you used! They looked great.

      I found the
      part where you had to raise the platform with the motor tricky. I discovered it by accident; it really surprised me! It's not every day I'm surprised by a first level, since I've literally played over a thousand levels ;)
      tricky. Well done! I'll look forward to your next levels. You can start a thread in the introduction subforum to get to know some people if you want. And don't forget to also try other people's levels (@richardfu, @richardfu_, @TR O, @sawdust and @meko are my favorite level creators, in case you want some suggestions)! ;) Sorry for my long review.
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      Welcome! And great first level, I was surprised by the rising block too! And yes motors will get hung up with almost anything next to them, except for rails which don't cause friction since they leave enough gap.
      @trids has a bunch of great demo levels to learn some of the tricks that have been found.
    • Khudrat
      This is first level? I remember my first level was like built by a 4 years old. :D

      ... And still building like one
    • Rating:
      Really nice first level! :D
    • Rating:
      Nice first level, although there are parts not smooth. Thanks!
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    My levels
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    Oct 24, 2016
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