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Fendi, Sep 11, 2023
Sammy 5, MomoKeego, Yusuf and 4 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Nice one-legged balancing from B. I liked the guillotine like design of the wedge draggable and glad to see B survived. Some nice moves but a pity I couldn’t see what actually captured the final star.
    • Rating:
      Wow... What a great fun to figure out how to win this level... Needed some restarts but then I happened... :D
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Levels like this are great to me. Beautiful design, some original but intuitive steps, and some logic. It's slow paced, and thus relaxing.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      The tallest structure was very interesting and fun to figure out. And I liked the mystery at the end. I thought I was done, but then something else was needed...
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Cute design & very fun gameplay... what else can I ask for? thanks for sharing @Fendi :)
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Amazing and I actually managed to finish it without watching the vs whoop whoop!
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      gerakan mendorong bola
      lalu di tahan dg slider,
      bersamaan dg B harus kembali ke tangga,
      agak2 mengkhawatirkan.
      B ku bbrp kali jatuh keluar map dr tangga atas.

      btw, gameplay keseluruhanya asik.
      pokoknya di level fendi pasti selalu ada
      robot yang miring2.
      Fendi likes this.
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      @Fendi I don't wanna ruin your 5 star trail. Consider 4.5 from my side. Absolutely fun level with relaxing moves.
      Fendi likes this.
    • MomoKeego
      @Tui, what VS? Can't find it. o_O
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ok, so this is about the 4th time I've tried to finish this level and I finally got it, yay! I'd always get a little further along each time, but I needed more experience to continue.
      The tower was particularly puzzling the first two attempts, but it's always fun to do, once you get it.
      It's so satisfying, I'm going to what.....? That's right, it's going into my keeper file! :rotf:
      I love Corvus♡♡♡.:D:thumbsup:
      Fendi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Very relaxing and intuitive level. Took some research to figure out the tallest tower section but was lots of fun squishing righty to get him to work:p thanks for the challenge:thumbsup:
      Fendi likes this.
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    Fantasy Reality
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    Sep 11, 2023
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