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Eyes Up Here

No tricks, no mechanisms, nothing to knock over (sorry), no codes to break, just getting back to the basics of the original 50.

Eyes Up Here
D.S.Masters, Feb 9, 2020
    • D.S.Masters
      I couldn't think of what else to call it...

      I've been working on this one, a piece at a time, for about a week now... I just wanted to get back to the plain and simple basics of the originals. I fixed the only shortcut that I saw, but you folks know me - sometimes I can't see the obvious right under my nose. It's a good thing that B isn't afraid of heights... :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      just wow
    • Ray Aznable
      there are alot of level similiar like this.
      but they are rather too hard or have alot of hiddens. cool design but not enjoy to play them.

      this one is simplier
      and enjoying like always.
    • Rating:
      Very nice journey.
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      Yeah, this lv remind me when I started to play Mekorama at the first time. At that moment, it just like this and some simple herding, I even didn't know I can push a ball. Now Mekorama developed very fast with lots of awesome things by genius creators like push a ball, a piece of metal, lots of awesome mechanism by @vince, @richardfu_ and maybe another authors that I don't know, tricks, new behavior, etc. The creative of human is no limit.
    • Kt J
      Don't think I've ever commented, but finally the time has come:

      Your levels are the only ones I force myself to play until I win, solely based on one VERY important thing -

      #1. They are winnable. There are sooo many cards uploaded that just aren't smooth enough, stable enough, are too flukey, or just simply too crowded. Yours are (without a doubt) *always* playable to a win, regardless of how much difficulty or time needed, and that is the reason they're the best... consistent & well built. Easy to maneuver, while still having technicalities and/or tricks.

      There's a distinct difference between games being challenging & games being frustrating. You're one of a handful on the entire forum that seems to have that notion down pat.

      So thanks, for all of them, bc they truly are the only ones I push myself to win on. Congrats, seriously.
    • Rating:
      Easy one, thanks for sharing!
    • delator77
      @Kt J I am almost totally agree with you... but also are regular players like me that need more challenging tricky levels... Of course @D.S.Masters levels are all winnable & with very,very worked designs...they relax me a lot & I also thank him for this...But,I'm a Meko-addict my friend , you should understand that there are players that need THINK more:sneaky:...well,in this forum are levels for all,this is the Meko-magic!:);):thumbsup:
    • D.S.Masters
      @Sun Eagle Yep, that's how we all start out... and even after 4 years, people are discovering new tricks and behaviors in the game.
    • D.S.Masters
      @delator77 No rating? And no worries, I'm already at work on a new level that will have things to knock over and maybe a trick or two.
    • Rating:
      Ooouuhhh my friend,I forgot to rate it...:confused::eek:Too many things in my head:rotf: As always very nice designed level with,this time,a very FUN up & down exploring path... Thanks for sharing my friend @D.S.Masters ;)
    • mossieurclo
      What Kt J said. Word for word.

      Will rate once played ...
    • D.S.Masters
      @delator77 No problem... you're welcome, Asier. :thumbsup: (did I just misspell that?)
    • Rating:
      Enjoyable as always. Gameplay, design....

      Onward to your older levels. I'm lucky to have you around for this one more sick leave week, thanx!
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