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New Balls

Everything in the right place

New Balls
Mauro77, Sep 19, 2016
MomoKeego, TR O and Rohan Kumar like this.
    • Rating:
      Rohan Kumar
      Nice and short :)
    • TR O
      Nice catcher!:)
    • Block builder
      The free block are a bit fiddly as they tend to get stuck on de blocks surrounding them. As a puzzle this level is straight forward, but fun to play (besides the fiddly blocks that is).

      Tab a ball as soon as it starts to fall, B walks to a square outside of the building and drops. B jumps a bit far. Heavenly swype a free block such that it comes out of its assigned rectangle, use it to walk over water to the win.
    • Rating:
      That was fun. Just the free draggables that i'm not found of and...
      I didn't really understand the utility of the first closer ball to B at the beginning. I've seen that when we move the house draggable block it releases the path to the ball and block as well, but B still needs to walk all the long path without using this part. Is it just some artefacts?
      A good level indeed :)
    • Mauro77
      The ball near B serves to slow it down if you want to use the shortcut.
      When I played the level I tried to switch from shortcut before it closes and sometimes I managed to pass ....
    • Rating:
      Yeah, the FDs stick, alot. Other than that, fun stuff. :D
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    Mauro77 Level 2016
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    Sep 19, 2016
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