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Sunda Empire

Repost Level...

Sunda Empire
BangTe, Jan 23, 2020
Zacky Ridho and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable

      u know what.
      the lost empire in the void century reffered in one piece, might be sunda empire,
      laugh tale reffer to wkwkland :rotf:

      kaido is dragon zoan devil fruit,
      reffer to 9 naga of property in indonesia, the ones who rule our country behind the dark.
    • Ray Aznable

      love the free rotor mechanic...
      the finish block stick together with free rotor, being put on the top, represent of the sun?
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      I am late to this level and missed the first version but thought it was great fun and i liked the double use of the first ball and the trickery with the draggable fence. My last autopilot was straightforward and not the same as in @Meko Guy video. I simply got B and R to swap places when R walks back to the draggable then autopilot B onto head of R by dropping the draggable.
      And i never used the ball in the corner next to the stacked stone steps. I apologise if this has been mentioned before.
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner -
      @BangTe - Not all devices work the same so it's unfortunate that one player can have such great fun while another struggles. As a level builder, I can see that move being risky. My video shows a good result where B almost made it onto R but in the 1st version which is the same as this version for this section, B wasn't even close to landing on R. :(
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      wow :eek:we have one piece girl in this forum @Ray Aznable :rotf: Saya pemakan meko meko no mi
    • ridgerunner
      Here is my win without using one of the balls.
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Your ending auto pilot was more stable than the intended way.
    • Rating:
      Good level :thumbsup:
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      additional star for the tittle :rotf:
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Clever & difficult level...Maybe the last step isn't intuitive but in overall in my opinion this level deserves 5 shinny stars...Thanks for sharing @BangTe ;)
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
    • MomoKeego
      Well, I'm disappointed. I figured out all the parts, B on R at the end and they go back & forth a dozen times with no win. It just doesn't happen. I'm so bummed. :(
      BangTe likes this.
    • MomoKeego
      I tried this again, 11'ish months later & the win still is not triggering. B/R stack under the win, R doing long-legs & it just rocks on the rails. Still bummed. :(
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