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Meko Guy

Mansion Run

Request #3 – see 1st comment for details

Mansion Run
Meko Guy, Nov 26, 2019
    • Jom
      @Meko Guy 'Toned down' is great for me, ;):D, it's doable for me! I look forward to trying the rest of it later in the week, :thumbsup::D.
    • Meko Guy
      @Jom - The 'B only' level today requires no tricks.
      Jom likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 - Better to restart on the 1st move than the last move.
    • EL797
      @Meko Guy Agree. That's why I didn't deduct stars because of it.
    • Meko Guy
      @EL797 - I'm starting your level - let's see how I do today....
      EL797 likes this.
    • Jom
      @Meko Guy I haven't had much time today, will pick it up tomorrow and have a go, :thumbsup::D.
    • Meko Guy
      @Jom - Not a problem - play when you can.
    • Rating:
      No need to read the spoilers in whatever level that require B only..:p Done it in my second attempt:cool:;)
      :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
      Źàiď likes this.
    • Makl
      I am really trying to figure this one out without spoilers but I'm getting frustrated. Just wanted to throw that out there.
    • Rating:
      Oof okay it was pretty clever, but the ball that is tapped using the autopilot move...it was so up in the air what I could do with it. I ended up using the 3 piece vertical slider and a bit of timing to stop the ball on the slider and allowed B to get on, then rode it down and hopped off in the doorway on the back side of the level. Didnt even think of using autopilot there and I had no clue you were going to let me go back to start so that actually helped me solve the puzzle.

      There was another level of yours that required stopping ball in a ton of different places. I couldn't ever solve it... I'm terrible with that kind of thing so I thought you might have been trying to pull a fast one on me!

    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - Thanks for playing. I was wonder if you stopped playing other's levels as I had not seen a comment from you are a bit....
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @Meko Guy I kinda end up spending a lot more time (**building) and testing my levels but I check up on the forum and grab them as I see fit. Usually with good comments or a nice looking design.

      When I hit a stumbling block in my levels I play other people's and get inspiration from them but..well, I usually get stuck on them because there are so many clever designers here on the forum and I just restart them repeatedly until I get frustrated. I pick it back up in a day or two.
    • Meko Guy
      @Makl - Well, it's good to play others to get inspired as you said but it's also nice to support each other. If all we did was make our own levels than a lot of creators would lose interest without the other's feedback. Please help with the support.
      Makl likes this.
    • Makl
      @Meko Guy I keep that in mind. I always look out for levels with nice designs. I usually stay quiet until I solve them but the list on my phone is pretty long...
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Nov 26, 2019
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