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Meko Guy

Four Corners

A small and quick level with some tricks

Four Corners
Meko Guy, Nov 23, 2019
Źàiď and delator77 like this.
    • Meko Guy
      - low ceiling (B acts strangely with a low ceiling and may travel over stairs that B can't normally do)
      - springboard stairs (with B on the stairs, tap behind B and then in front of B
      - auto pilot with mid air tap (move the slider and tap to redirect B)
    • Rating:
      Selection of wins due ability to bounce bots about. My start was different. Motor draggable tended to stick often.
      soft SBS then claustrophobia
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Stick - no issues here so didn't know. With that said, I've played other's levels where the motor will not move at all so maybe the same sort of issue? Thanks for playing. BTW, yes I knew the SBS could work at the motor but it's wasn't 100% for me.
    • Rating:
      Fun compact tricky level...
      As I couldn't do the autopilot step I did the SSS long and worked:D
      Thanks for sharing @Meko Guy ;)
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      I like your style now... small but tricky ;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Relaxing level. I like the mid air taps and I used SBS at the beginning too. :thumbsup:
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Nov 23, 2019
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