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Pin Code House

There's a clue to pass this level(|||||||)

Pin Code House
McCoy, Sep 10, 2016
chemi likes this.
    • Propesyonal
      Fine looking level so i played it. Its good but better if you included the checkmark in the level image.
      McCoy likes this.
    • nGord
      I think that the only way to show a checkmarked version of the card is to take a screenshot with it. This is not as attractive as an exported card. There is at least one thread in the "Bugs and Feature request" forum that has asked for improved export functionality. For now, we're all trusting the designers/uploaders that the puzzles are solvable unless we may not be familiar with the new member.

      I think the card uploaded is perfect as is.
      McCoy likes this.
    • nGord
      I enjoyed this level. I think you did a great job with it.
      There were just enough openings to figure out the required code. I also liked the artwork, especially the windows on the opposite side. My only suggestion would be to incorporate a hint into the level such as using the windows to represent the intended code. As it was, I did have to guess to some degree.
      Overall: great concept and design. Thanks!
      McCoy likes this.
    • Frenzies
      @nGord Lol.
      The windows ARE hints. You can see that most are sideways, while some are vertical. The vertical ones represent the code... I don't think that it's intended for you to peek in.
      McCoy and nGord like this.
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      McCoy likes this.
    • B Hill
      Agreed. Screenshots can mess up the QR code. If a level is not playable that can be addressed by the comments and a warning by @Sunny Sunset .
      McCoy likes this.
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      Nice that you can see some of the mechanics. But there is an easier way. May this be a lesson, don't write your pin code down where others may find it!
      McCoy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Hey, nice level. Thanks!
      McCoy likes this.
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    Sep 10, 2016
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    code breaking