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Pandora box


Pandora box
Blackbilly, Jun 20, 2019
    • Don G Rowe
      Hi and welcome to the forum. This looks really interesting, but unfortunately there are too many square edges that catch the rotor assemblies and prevent the action from working smoothly. Combined with the dark shadows that make things too difficult to really see, I eventually gave up and moved on to something else. :(
    • Meko Guy
      1st welcome to the forum. Very ambitious 1st level but since I'm not so good with traffic puzzles that is as far as I got. The rest I didn't get a chance to enjoy as the 1st part wasn't for me.
    • Blackbilly
      @Don G Rowe
      hi, and thank you. that's the idea. play with shadows. which is why I made the cover. the rotor will be smooth when it's indeed the way of b. and thank you for the comments.
    • Blackbilly
      @Meko Guy
      thank you for the welcome. sorry if you can't enjoy. I just want to share what I made.thanks for the comments.
    • Rating:
      Good to see an ambitious first level. I hate these traffic sections but this one was easy to bypass. I found several ways to win but left much of the level unused. Too dark inside.
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    Jun 20, 2019
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