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Sneak In V

In this grand finale, you must get in and rescue B. But is it even possible?

Sneak In V
richardfu_, Aug 20, 2016
    • Rating:
      Super clever on many fronts.
      I think this is the first time I've seen ball trigger a slider/block move in a level. The part with fake B-Bot dropping a the real B-Bot rising was really cool. Finally the R-Bot's push of bar at the end was just great.
    • retrograde
      @chemi Just so you know, there are some "bugs"in this level.
      The 2 slider bars which freeze R-Bot are technically bugs. Some might argue that R-Bot pushing 3 blocks at once is also a bug. The duplicate B-Bot was created a bug in the game, but that's really a cosmetic rather than functional thing. Most really good levels utilize some bugs in some form. I drives me kind of nuts when complain about corner case physics in the game... they're certainly there but they are heck a lot of fun to design with. They make some of the really amazing stuff possible.
      meko likes this.
    • richardfu_
    • Frenzies
      I haven't completed it yet, but I have a comment. Isn't B only supposed to "revive" after the 3 balls are put into the holes? One time he just revived without warning. I was watching TV at that time (heheh, my favorite show was on), so I didn't exactly see what happened. All I did so far was push the starting ball (the one at the start, and not the one in the batch of 3), and bring R past the moving wall.
    • richardfu_
      B should revive after you push the correct balls into the holes (not including the starting ball), and there is a hint for which balls are correct. B shouldn't revive by itself, but maybe the mechanism could break on rare occasions. I tested it many times and didn't see any anomaly.
    • Rating:
      Exceptional! The timing was slightly annoying, but the rest of the level just blew me away. I loved the concept of B's revival. Awesome!
    • Rating:
      The best level I played in Mekorama so far :D
      Besides the admirable mechanism the level design is impressive: looks easy but is difficult in every detail. As always nice built-in hint. Though it has everything a level can have, and at its best. Equals addictive levels in classic games ;)
    • Rating:
      Jose Luis Galiano
      Awesome level, no tricks or bugs. Amazing to see B without a head and how to recover it. How do you do it, @richardfu_? Anyway, thanks a lot.
    • Rating:
      WOW!!! Without doubt one of the best level I've ever played...ability, trial and error,timing,strategy ...nothing hidden...GREAT:cool:
    • DreamBliss
      Multiple Attempts - Code Can Not Be Read
      Xyf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Really fun level to play. I loved the effect with B.
    • Rating:
      This really is one of the best levels in the forum! The mechanism, the design, the collaboration, the puzzle, the multiple purpose use of the elements, the surprise!
      Great, simply amazing. Thanks!
    • richardfu_
      Xyf likes this.
    • Rating:
      Brilliant finish to the series! One of the most innovative levels ever created!
    • Rating:
      Evergreen level...
      I believe that there is no great level than this...
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    richardfu season 2
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    Aug 20, 2016
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