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the stack

the stack
nabuco, Mar 6, 2019
    • nabuco
      @gmacpro ok, i understand you. but isnt luck, i did many times and never falled, is just ability, this is my view
      gmacpro likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      @nabuco . I think it must be device specific. My method was identical to yours but lots of problems.
    • nabuco
      @ridgerunner sometimes when i was making the level i had problems because the bot what was down goes before that the other b could get up and so the stack was very unstable.
      i dont think is because the device but may could be
    • GFJ
      @nabuco Thank you for the video. I managed to send the stack of three in the direction of the win but the top R fell instead of stepping on the stairs. Maybe, I should have tried again. However, I also had other stability issues.
      nabuco likes this.
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