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Beware Valentine (deprecated)

Only if you are lucky, you won't get crushed by your heart. Happy Valentine.

Beware Valentine (deprecated)
Makaroni, Feb 13, 2019
delator77 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Just unique, no gameplay
    • Makaroni
      @DDD Of course not, love is not a game to play. ;) Even bots don't fool around with hearts.
    • Rating:
      R 'oland
      I don't like valentine too much but I'm sure some people do. Happy valentine!
    • Rating:
      Jajaja,in one word:ORIGINAL...In my first attempt poor B "died" crushed by so much love:rotf:...Thanks for sharing @Makaroni :thumbsup:
      hadi likes this.
    • Makaroni
      In this level, B's heart has room for 30 bots. Imagine all the R-omantic stories behind this number. :cry: But, how big B's heart can really become? Well, it is bigger than all the bots in the Diorama World!

      Have you noticed something in the video while you were counting the bots?
      After the pain of heart has gone, B finally found a place in the own heart. Wow, how unlikely is this video? The special effect was not intented and it was the first recording. And the last. Always keep an empty room in your heart for B-self. :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Just nice!!
      hadi likes this.
    • Makaroni
      Deprecation notice: I tested this card with the most recent app version (Android tablet) and found that it does not work any longer as originally intended. This card and the video above are for the archive museum. :eek:
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