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DDD, Jan 22, 2019
delator77 and R 'oland like this.
    • Frince
      Nice one...
      But upper two balls one of them.everytime falls incorrect and win step i dont like.. But starting was fun..
      DDD likes this.
    • Rating:
      DDD likes this.
    • R 'oland
      I'd love to give you 5 stars, but the upper balls are not falling constantly into the right spaces. So the win isn't reachable every time.

      Nevertheless I love this level. Nice mix of tricks, ball placing and doing stuff in the right order :thumbsup:
      DDD likes this.
    • Jom
      Am I on the right track?
      [I tipped the ball near B, which fell on the head of the little chap downstairs. I crossed the ball but then claustrophobia took over and left B standing on stairs and unable to move? I tried tapping to stop him but it didn't seem to help. Is this the right way to begin?]
      DDD likes this.
    • DDD
      just cancel tap before got stuck on the stair
      Jom likes this.
    • R 'oland
      In my solution, B had to cancel-tap-claustrophobia three times.
      DDD and Jom like this.
    • Rating:
      I really liked most of the level. Nice intricate moves and not so obvious gameplay, but my finish if correct had less than 50% success. If i am doing it incorrectly then its 5*.
      finished with a downward autopilot but B often falls sideways and gets isolated. Didn’t use the highest ball.
      DDD likes this.
    • huijiuggbf
      Fun level! I need some time to solve it.
      DDD likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fun level! Thanks for sharing!
      DDD likes this.
    • Jom
      @DDD @R 'oland land Ah, thank you. I was trying to do that, but I was doing it wrong, I was tapping in the wrong place. :thumbsup:
      DDD likes this.
    • R 'oland
      I would love to see a video with the intended solution. DDD, whatcha think
      DDD likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Unable to win as the upper balls fall wrong. Between the three balls, one is the worse and doesn't land by the mechanism most times. The one that falls to the higher spot is the next unstable ball but it falls beside the other ball more often than the 1st one mentioned. The other, mainly falls under and pushes out so I assume that is good. Without the ball by the mech, I can't win. The other ball on the way up is also very unstable and only rolls far enough one in three attempts.
      DDD likes this.
    • DDD
    • DDD
      @gmacpro if you play as my intended the balls always fall correct, i'm tried many time before release my level.
    • gmacpro
      Didn't see the auto pilot requirements as the balls did land properly somethings just not all on the same attempt.
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