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If you cant scan, please zoom the QR code. Have fun, tap and hold the metal block to up!

Yogienugr, Aug 21, 2016
    • Rating:
      Sunny Sunset
      Tapping and holding does not work. The movable blocks do not move upward. They never will move upward like that on an iPad3. There is no way to get the bebop onto the moving platform at the top either.

      I see the check mark, but this is not a solvable level on an old iPad3 pre-lightning. 1 star for not being compatible with all devices currently in use.
    • Frenzies
      It won't move upward on my device either; is there supposed to be some kind of trick or technique for this or is it really our devices?
    • Yogienugr
      @Sunny Sunset @Frenzies im sorry i dont think if some device not being compatible, but i never post if i never solve. it also have a time to up the block to the top. i just share what i get, thanks for opinion :)
    • GtB
      Doesn't work on my Moto G either :(
    • Yogienugr
      @GtB thanks for trying brother, i hope anyone can solve this level :) sure it work, its not a fake.
    • trids
      @Yogienugr - I'm assuming you mean the 4-arm rotor when you say "tap and hold", am I right? Cos the best i can do with it is rattle it a bit. Also, is it significant that there seems to be a piece missing from that rotor? There is a right angle rail piece missing, based on the other 3 being in place. Does this make a difference?
    • Yogienugr
      @trids because the one draggable below will hold a draggable block that is above the water . I purposely dissapered the rail piece, so that the box can be inserted to the top and the draggable under you hold it.
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    Having Fun
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    Aug 21, 2016
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    puzzle minimal bug bbotonly