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Final Boss !

If you're good, you sure can get the trophy! _______ (Hint:Sometimes B is more an observer )

Final Boss !
TR O, Aug 15, 2016
delator77 and chemi like this.
    • Rating:
      Awesome boss fight! Fun
      TR O likes this.
    • GtB
      Got it! But the trophy can't be taken :(
      TR O likes this.
    • TR O
      @GtB yeah.... i guess i should have made it movable. but not draggable if you know what i mean = )
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      Awesome! Not hard but lots of fun!
      TR O likes this.
    • Rating:
      Excellent creativity!! But game play suffered somewhat because of it. The swinging arms that one could control were the best part! I loved the word BOSS written into the wall too. Thanks!
      TR O likes this.
    • Frenzies
      @nGord The BOSS word was probably taken from the other boss stage (I forgot what it was called, but it was featured. You couldn't defeat the boss, though, just avoid getting killed). I still really loved the stage, though.
    • TR O
      @nGord how is it suffered mind i ask? =)
    • nGord
      @TR O Sure, (I don't think I need to put this in a spoiler). The creativity is in the random spiraling zappers and the functional battlemech (very nice yet simple). Trying to play one off the other creates for shear havoc and unpredictability such that the level completion ends up being more about B picking a lucky path to the end. If I missed something, please let me know. Cheers.
      TR O likes this.
    • Frenzies
      @nGord I completed it multiple times (it's so fun) by defeating the enemy! I keep hitting it in various angles and directions until it somehow becomes useless (probably because I flip him upside down, etc.) and I throw it into a corner (or throw it of the stadium). I've completed it by moving the robot to the win block, and having B collect the trophy
      nGord and TR O like this.
    • Rating:
      Amazing mechanisms and really funny level. Thanks!
    • HackedUp
      Amazing actions packed level... Thanks:D
    • Rating:
      The most spectacular fight I've seen in Mekorama!! I take my hat of!!THANKS:D
    • Rating:
      Blue Tower
      The boss looks like a crab, but its easy for me. Still liked it because the big bot (not B) fighted the boss but
      B passed an entrance and dragged him up then I won.
      Fun level!:thumbsup::cool:
    • Rating:
      Really enjoyed the battling bot. Good alternate use of mechs.
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    Final Boss
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    TR O
    Aug 15, 2016
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