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Zen Temple

Zen Temple
meko, Aug 17, 2016
Playtime, Anomynous and chemi like this.
    • meko
      not too hard for beginners and not too easy for experts.there aren't tricks/exploits (exctept one). I hope you like the design.
      trids likes this.
    • Rating:
      Yes, I liked your design. There were some path choices to make one think and have fun with, but the hidden zappers detracted IMHO. My favourite part is the aesthetics of the design. Thanks!
      meko likes this.
    • meko
      [​IMG] how to post only the card (like this) ?
    • Propesyonal
      Yes, please tell us how to put a picture as a comment, i maybe doing something wrong because it is asking me to put a link for the image im supposed to insert, and when i do, the image icon gets broke, like an unrecognized file.
    • Rating:
      Nice! I think i must have gotten caught in every single ambush - well done!
      meko likes this.
    • Frenzies
      @meko Uh... do you mean the design of the card richardfu posted without the black edges and such? That can only be done using an iOS device, I think. You click the share button and click save image at the choices. You can still do as @Sunny Sunset asked if you're using an Android device by getting the share version for the card. It won't look like that, though. You can do it by sharing it and screenshotting or something (I "share" it to my Notepad and save the image). By the way, you're making your situation worse by putting that picture. You should remove it before @Sunny Sunset asks you to.
    • GtB
    • meko
      @Frenzies i use an Android Device.i shared the card,but there is also a black backgraound.Does it exist a way to post only a card like the image on my comment?[​IMG]
    • GtB
      @meko Did you save it as .png?
    • meko
      Jpg. @GtB if you download the image of Even Wells there is a black background also in his image
    • GtB
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Nice design
    • Rating:
      Okay, getting zapped isn't my idea of fun, but the level is easy enough to figure out, and it's a cute design.
    • Frenzies
      @meko That's what happens to me, exactly why I said that is done through iOS. I don't know how @GtB does it, though. Also, is he sure that Even Wells uses an Android device?
      meko likes this.
    • B Hill
      @Propesyonal I have the same problem with my Android tablet. I upload the photo to Dropbox or something from my tablet. Then go to my PC and make a comment if it needs a photo. I use Opera on my tablet, haven't tried another browser to see if something else works.
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    Special Levels
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    Aug 17, 2016
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