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The Totem

Get to the meko totem with the help of R friends

The Totem
Pds, Aug 29, 2018
chemi likes this.
    • Pds
      Try to get on the metal horizontal pillar with motor first......
      To get till there you should be having 2 balls at there right place......The third ball will be activated by R bot....
      Be as quick as possible with the slider with attached fence near the win (drag it to and fro) you will need the thing that is taking R bot out ......
      Be quick to board on the rotor bot...which will lead you to the meko totem {WIN}
    • Pds
      Hope you enjoy:D:D:D
    • gmacpro
      Is the last move a ToA?

      Cancel last....
    • Rating:
      I needed the tips to get going as each time I played it (the 1st 5 attempts) the scenario was different. For example, Z was okay, R came out of no where and jet boy bounced around almost getting the high ball. I didn't see the pillar move but it was crooked on the stone pillars. The next time, R was so unstable, R didn't make it to the mechanism. So after 5 attempts, I skimmed the tips and figured out what to do. Nice logic level overall. Thanks
      Pds likes this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Instabilities frustrate at each step completed, making it hard to see if you are or are not on the right track.
      Pds likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fun level! Thanks for sharing!
      Pds likes this.
    • Pds
    • Pds
      Btw what is ToA?
    • Rating:
      Not sure if the level is unstable or i am missing something. The central R(beside flathead) would only occasionally and slowly appear and I couldn’t see a way round that. ( P.S. i was missing something )
      I was confused by the draggable and the high floating fence which I presumed was part of the gameplay with a delayed autopilot, but I didn’t use them. So was that a red herring? The gameplay i ended up using seemed relatively simple.
      Pds likes this.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Pds @ridgerunner explained the instabilities. ToA is "Tripping on Air", a counter intuitive inertia trick used to make B fall down one level . Usually avoided as part of a designed path, or indicated by using a column which makes the move easier to execute.
      Pds likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Pds likes this.
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - R was unstable to me at the start until I understood how R was to be released. It's a quick open and close of the slider for flathead but the other slider must be open so R can walk out.
    • Rating:
      Very cool level, I really enjoyed it. Nice combination of logic, ability and obvious trick. Thanks! :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I'm subtracting a star due to R's instability and that it's mostly unknown how R should appear. The slider that traps the floating R helps, but I think at the cost of R often not rotating in the grid directions. But other than that quite a fun level.
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