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The Mountain

Ooooh... surprise!

The Mountain
meko, Aug 13, 2016
MomoKeego, Anomynous and chemi like this.
    • Sunny Sunset
      @meko nope...can't move more than 2 squares. Cannot step on the stair block that is misplaced under the mountain. Trapped before I even begin

      As for the climbing...there is nothing to move in that vicinity at the top that would allow B to climb
    • Frenzies
      @Sunny Sunset
      Use a sort of Ramp Climbing technique. The stair was not misplaced. You go back where you start and click as far as you can go (next to the stairs), and quickly pull up the Draggable. B will climb on it and fall farther than where you clicked. He should be past the stairs. After that, go to the other Draggable block and use the Ramp Climbing trick to win.
      Once you are on the other Draggable block, you need to climb. Click on the stairs near your original starting spot (next to the rails), and bring the Draggable up. B will climb to an area where it's possible to reach the win. Just click on the Win Block afterwards.
      kayody09 and meko like this.
    • kayody09
      meko likes this.
    • Sunny Sunset
      It's just not working for me. I don't know if it's this old iPad or not, but I cannot get him past that "missplaced" stair. He falls only onto the block he can stand on
    • Rating:
      Too tricky... :). Thanks!
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