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Just part of a concept I was working on, but has some interesting bugs. If you just watch for a few seconds, he will start to surf the ground as it moves under him. If you then move towards the center and fall, you can score a win without hitting the button.

ZachMan, Aug 11, 2016
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      Interesting action, I couldn't get it to finish yet, getting down the holes is near impossible. I always end up flying off. I had a similar idea I wanted to try.
    • Frenzies
      @B Hill As he said, try going to the middle. If you fall off and land on the ground spinning wheel, you will somehow win.
    • B Hill
      OK I got the technique now. If you fall through the top two holes, you can see the goals turn green as soon as B lands on the bottom wheel. Maybe there is just enough deflection of the bottom wheel down to trigger the goals? B's momentum actually gets transfered to the wheel to push it down slightly? Man I love the physics in this game!
    • Rating:
      Ashish Patel
      Interesting how it is possible to win without touching win block?
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    Concept Levels
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    Aug 11, 2016
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