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The smallest level on mekorama forum

meko, Aug 9, 2016
Anomynous, trids and Ashish Patel like this.
    • meko
      2x2x2 is coming...
    • TR O and trids like this.
    • Ashish Patel
      How to do swing perfectly? I climbed luckily few times.
    • meko
      There isn't a perfect way[​IMG]
    • Ashish Patel
      Thats exactly climbing trick but only works with elevator like mechanism right.?
    • meko
      You have to trasform B in a ghost
      tap near the motor and after rotate it,after rotate it again,he will magically do a jump
    • Akira Wong
      Interesting. I think I know how to make the bot hover already.
      Thanks for the level. I will include this feature in my future level design if suitable.:D
      meko likes this.
    • Ricko
      Another nice mini level. It's like my hover mechanism :D
      meko likes this.
    • Ashish Patel
      @meko I know I need to transform bot into ghost. But isn't it only transform when tap on elevator like mechanism (up-down draggble or up-down moving blocks). How to do hover on swings? Sorry I don't know exactly how to do that in 3x3x3. 2x2x2 seems good for me.
    • Frenzies
      @Ashish Patel Check out richardfu's level, Spirits. He discovered a faster and more convenient way to make the bot hover.
    • Ashish Patel
      @Frenzies yes Richard's level is more convenient to make bot to do hover. Most important thing is bot should be do up side down to do hover. In this level, how can I do that?
    • trids
      I can solve 2x2x2 repeatedly - nice exploit!

      But 3x3x3 is too erratic - i can only get B to hover about 2% of the time. And only half that time that he's hovering can i steer him to the goal before his legs come back again.
      meko likes this.
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