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Tiny Rocket

After a gear broke on the rocket. An unskilled engineer proposed correcting the error.

Tiny Rocket
Ítalo, Jun 26, 2018
delator77 and chemi like this.
    • Ítalo
      I'm going to stop with this type of level, I'Il try to create something bigger and more elaborate. Thanks to those who accompanied these puzzle.

      You do not need tricks(need stack bots) but an autopilot on the first step will make your life much easier.

      ADM likes this.
    • Rating:
      Cool level!:rotf: Made in the intended way, and liked it:thumbsup:, but there is a small
      You can bump R with zapper,p out of the level, then I got into rocket with B how intended, and pushed him with small R toss by using jumper
      Anyway, good job and thanks for these good levels!:thumbsup::rotf:
      Ítalo likes this.
    • Ítalo
      @Br0K3N nice :rotf::rotf:! I won that way too, but as it requires a little precision I found it more complicated. Thanks for your comment and rate.
      Br0K3N likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Didn't see the bot swap move and when I tried it, B was still dead after 5 attempts so had enough.
      If I did get the bot swap move then I would have isolated Z by the pillar, launched B into the hole with the stairs as that was fairly repeatable and send Z to zap so B would fall on win. I also trying to launch B or Z into the top but like horseshoes was only close.
      Ítalo likes this.
    • Ítalo
    • Rating:
      Finished with a shortcut I think. R got inside through the top hole. I tried pushing B with Z but B always fell out instead of inside... really cool move to cross Z area with B by the way. :cool:
    • Rating:
      I think I did it with a shortcut too, but in my case I launched the zapper and fall over the win. Thanks for sharing.
      Ítalo likes this.
    • Rating:
      Jajaja,nice intended way although I did it with a shortcut...Thanks for sharing @Ítalo ;)
      Ítalo likes this.
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