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Mini Pagoda

A Bot trapped in a mini pagoda

Mini Pagoda
meko, Aug 7, 2016
    • mossieurclo
      @nGord AAAAhh yes of course. An interesting variant of Autopilot, probably used on some levels i gave up on ;-/

      meko and nGord like this.
    • cimarronline
      I guess this level was before the discovery of ToA. B can drop right on the win using that.
      meko likes this.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      ToA from roof directly to finish block
    • nGord
      @Ray Aznable - that's unfortunately not the correct solution. Considering the date this level was created, something like that would be akin to a game-breaking shortcut. I recommend you try again and please rate the level based on its design at the time.
      meko likes this.
    • meko
      @Ray Aznable
      Actually I designed this level to be tricky, so it is theoretically correct to complete it with that trick.
      Considering the old release date there could be some more challenging way to solve it :smirk: , as @nGord kindly said :thumbsup:
      nGord likes this.
    • Rating:
      I rate it five stars for demonstrations of tricks and because the tricks are fun (the last one is awesome). I wouldn't like it for a normal level because of the reliance on tricks, though, but that's my personal opinion.
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    Aug 7, 2016
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