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Star Penguin

Forward Docks

Mischievous B, what are you up to? Help him and his conniving friend avoid the Captain's watchful gaze, and see how far they can climb! [NOTE: Updated level for newer versions of Mekorama in caption tab below]

Forward Docks
Star Penguin, Mar 20, 2018
MomoKeego, YaAy, Labyrenight and 11 others like this.
    • mastersifu
      @Buurmas Glad to hear that.:thumbsup: I had tried to maintain the original gameplay and also fix the P instability. Doesn't know if it's ok though. Maybe should let @cimarronline to tweak it.:rolleyes:(This is DoggieJohn speaking, I'm using my brother's account )
    • Buurmas
      Your version is slightly easier. You can solve it with the same ball order as the original, but you don't have to. But I don't see how to change the mechanism without changing the logic in some way.
      In your version, because B doesn't need P to avoid Z, the player has more flexibility about when to drop the side ball that moves P toward the docks. To still require P for B to avoid Z, and also require P for B to descend the staircase would be more stringent about ball order. But, it can't be the same mechanism for both needs, because, after avoiding Z, B needs to go to the ball that allows P to go down the docks!

      That's a puzzle in & of itself to think about. But as for me, I am happy & satisfied to be able to say I solved the level! :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Wow, just Wow! o_O:thumbsup::D
    • Rating:
      Solution fo v1.6.2
    • tueftle
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  • Album:
    Logic Album II
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    Star Penguin
    Mar 20, 2018
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  • Some knowledge of R walking behavior will be helpful. However, B should not be performing any acrobatics, other than perhaps
    being pushed by a slider, once.
    This is primarily a ball-pushing, cooperation-style logic puzzle.

    Updated level for newer versions of Mekorama (by @DoggieJohn). The gameplay had to be altered a little to make it work.