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This is the hardest level I've ever designed. It's fully operational and I have no problem with it. Although the tower's top moves requires precise timing, otherwise it needs to be restarted.

hadi, Oct 23, 2017
MomoKeego, mohammad64 and PvB like this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Nicely sequenced series of steps, but really needs a more attractive setting to earn the fifth star. And it was not the hardest level of yours that I've played.
      hadi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Liked the invitation to do the wrong thing near the start, and after that i thought the level flowed very nicely. Nice puzzle working out the purpose/timing of one of the balls and although as the intro says, the tower timing looks precise, you can have a practice run before fully committing.
      hadi likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Okay - let's start with the not so obvious - is there something hidden?

      EDIT - Cancel this - answer yes
      hadi likes this.
    • gmacpro
      I give - hint please - I'm spending too long as it is now.
      I got pillarR in place by the zapper and all the balls can be dropped in place. I see R will need to get pillarR moving again so that means B needs to get on pillarR. There are two ways high enough to drop B on R but one sends R the wrong way so that leaves the other one where the ball is and heads straight to the stairs that leads to pillarR. I can't get B on the ball or in the hole.
      hadi likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Bump... Hint please
      hadi likes this.
    • gmacpro
      Bump - anyone - how to get B on R and to the stairs?
      hadi likes this.
    • hadi
      dear @Don G Rowe Hi and thank's.I mean hardly designing it . The tower and its mechanism took a lot of time.
      dear @ridgerunner Thank you, good and lofty friend.
      I'm glad after some time I've designed a level that drew your attention.
    • hadi
      @gmacpro Hi my friend
      I'm sorry to take a few days to respond.
      It's been a few days that i am designing a specific level for one of the most respected users here.
      Honestly, to put B on R, you just have to use the tower and its mechanism. And, of course, timing is important. With the auto pilot and the timely release of the ball, you will achieve the goal. Unfortunately, the mistake will restart again. Of course, as well. That my good friend @ridgerunner mentioned above, the fun feature of the tower is to practice this movement, before its final performance
    • gmacpro
      @hadi - Not seeing it.
      I can auto pilot to get the top ball and it falls in the hole which is held up by the slider. Is that the timely released ball or something else?
      hadi likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      @gmacpro ...a video is better than a thousand words. ive started at the crucial move and included the end. waved the draggable at the start to indicate what is to be moved.
      gmacpro and hadi like this.
    • hadi
      @ridgerunner Thank you very much. I was creating a guide video, but you did it sooner.:p:thumbsup:
    • gmacpro
      @ridgerunner - Thanks so much as I've spent hours on this and I didn't see it. I used Mekostudio and had the same set up as you and as soon as you touched the draggable I seen it. I had not considered that slider at all.
      hadi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice complex level but as your title says - "Obscure". See my comments to @ridgerunner - thanks
      hadi likes this.
    • hadi
      dear @gmacpro
      I'm sorry to be a bit tired and bothered.:oops::(
      And happy to finally succeed.:);)
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